Page 60 of Tempted By Danger

“Yes, I understand, ma’am.”

How are the threeother Danger’s I’ve met nice, but Dymon is the onlyasshole?

While Metri listened on the phone, she placedan iPhone box in front of me, and a slip of paper with Offer Letterat the top. Scanning the paper,I inhaled so hardthat some saliva went down the wrong way, making me choke.

“Okay, thank you,” Metri finished and hung up the phone.

“What is this?I mean, I know what it is.BecauseI can see what it is, but I mean, like… why, I guess?”

I didn’t think that he would get me a work phone for real or even double my pay. I was sort of, kind of joking. I didn’t think that he would take it literal. I mean, I wasn’t about to argue about making $8,500 a month.

“This is what Dymon told me to do. Everything is already set up. Phone number is on the insideon a slip of paper.”

“Okay. Thank you.” After I signed my name on the paper, I looked up at her. “Does thismean that I’m going to get more work?”

She smiled. “Now, that, honey, I don’t know.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

* * *

At my desk,I was taking my phone out of the box whenthe phone rang.When I looked at Dymon, he was waving his hands, telling me that he didn’t want to be bothered. He’d been on the phone since I’d came back upstairs. When I went to thank him,he waved me out of his office, not giving me a chance to speak.

“Dymon Danger’s office,” I answered.

“Um. Hello. May I speak with Dymon?”

It was a woman.She sounded beautiful on the phone.

“He’s in a meeting. Can I take a message?”

“And who is this?”

“Um. His assistant.”

“Oh. You sound very young.”

I blinked. “Can I take a message for Mr. Dymon?”

“Oh, tell Mr. Dymon that I’m expecting a replay of the other night tonight.”

“Oh, okay. Name.”

She laughed. “He knows.”Sheended the call.

I pressed the button for Dymon’s phone.


I didn’t know what to say at first.


“Um,some woman, who was very obsessed with my age, told me to tell you that she wanted a replay of the other night.”

He didn’tsay anything.

“Mhm. Mr. Dymon, what did you do the other night? Sounds fun. Fun enough to get a call at work.”