Page 6 of Tempted By Danger

Looking past her, my fatherwas walking up with a smile on his face.Duncan Dangerwasin hismid-fiftiesandlooked nearly fifteen years younger. He kept himself in shape. The women loved his dark skin and salt and pepper hair.That’s what kept his ass in trouble and probably the reason we were all here today.

“Son, I’m really glad youcould make it.”

“You knowI was summoned, because I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

He smiled before walking away.

Looking around the room, I saw Declan and raised my eyebrows at himto speak before smiling at Demetria, whostood next to my mother’s side. She was the sweetest thing and smart as hell too. Shewas as sharp-tongued as Denim and would have been a fine lawyer, but instead, sheloveddoing secretary work for my mother. When my mother, Vivian Danger,and I made eye contact, it was like we were in a staring contestbefore my father cleared his throat at the head of the table.

“I’m about to call this meeting to order,” he announced.

Everyone found their seatat the table, while I found a chair at the back of the room.

“Mr. Dymon.” Joel brought my plate of food and glass of juice.

“Thank you.”

When my father started speaking, I started eating.

“Good morning, everyone. So, I’m going to getright down to it. I will be stepping down from DangerIncorporated, effectively immediately. There are two women, who will becoming forward, saying I did some things that I wouldnever do to anyone. It was my fault formeeting them outside of that club. I am choosing to step down beforeI bring down this company that we all worked so hard to build…”

I checked out of that conversation because I couldn’t believe that Diesel dragged me out of my house to listen to one of my dad’smanycheating stories. He been cheating. It just seemed like he’d just gotten caught this time. As soon asthis shitwas over, I was going to dart out of this room hoping that I didn’t get bothered again any time soon.

“…my son, Dymon Danger.”

Everyone gasped while looking at me. I looked around the room, and everyone wore shocked looks on their faces,except formy mother and Declan, whowere wearing scowls. Diesel wore one of his infamous smirks on his face.

“What?” I asked, looking around.

“Dymon, Dad just named you as his new CEO!” Denim squealed.

“CEO of what?”

“The family business.”

“What family business?”

“Danger Inc.”

Wetalked as if we were in the room by ourselves.

I glared at my father, nostrils flaring and jaws clenched. He knew that I never wanted to run the familybusiness.The roomwas so quiet that you could hearthe wind blowing outside. The tension in the room was growing thicker by the second as everyone’s head ping-ponged between my father and me.

“Nah.Not me.That’s Declan.”

Declan slightly nodded his head in agreementand then looked at Dad.

“If your last name isn’t Danger, clear the room.”

Moments later, my family and I were left in the room. As soon as the door closed, Declan and my mother started shouting at the same time, while I looked at Diesel, who had shrugged his shoulders.

“He doesn’t know anything about this business, Dad! I am the one who workedalongsideyou since I was old enough to understand.”


“Duncan. Are you trying to have us living on the street!”my mom shouted.

Always one extreme to the nextwith her.