Page 52 of Tempted By Danger

“Does this have something to do with work?”

“Actually, yes. So, I was thinkingafter lunch, I’d go floor to floor and meet some of the staff and introduce myself. Because I was playing around in the Kog software and joined a little group of new employees at DHQ on there, and do you know after I introduced myself, they all left the group? What was that about? Do they hate mealready because I am the Dymon adjacent?”

“TheDymon… adjacent?”

“Yes. I’m yourright-handwoman, so it’s obvious they think that I’m, like, a snitch or something, and I’d tell on them if they say something crazy.”


What my employees didn’t know was that I could see everything in the app anyway. That was the sole purpose of Ryan and me creating the software. I wanted to see what they were talking aboutbecause I was dead ass serious about the no fraternizing rule.If I was going to take over, then I was going to do things my way.

“Uh-huh. You don’t act interested in anything. So,Iwas thinking I could—”

“Go to lunch.” I cradled the phone.

She looked at the phone and thenset it on the hook. I watched her inhale and exhale before she stood, walked around the desk, and barged into my office.

“Obviously, we got disconnected before I could finish my thought. So, I’ll do it now. So, I was thinking I could go around and get to know some of the employees, so they won’t think I am a kiss-ass. And maybe I can make newfriends or something.Also, what is the food—”

“Q, go to lunch.”

Almost immediately, I saw her face change.She sucked her jaws in, trying to hide her blushing.

“Okay, I’m going to… um…” She pointed at the door with her thumb. “I am just going to go down to the little café thingy in the basement. Would you,um… should I bring you something?”

“I’m good.Thank you.”

“Okay.” She nodded her head, backing out ofmy office, and shut the door.

She reached over her desk and grabbed her tote, walking down the hall. As soon as the elevatordoors closed, an email popped up on my phone from my PI. I opened the email on my computer screen.

Everything I found on QE & Family.

Kicking back,I opened the PDF attached to the email. It was compiled ofabout fifteen pages.Scanning the first page was her social media links. I would click on those later and scroll through them to see what type of stuff she posted.Sifting through the pages of information, I found out that she was born and raised in the smallest town that I’dnever heard of in my life, but a quick Google search showed me that the little place was beautiful, so I saw why she was proudof it. Scrolling further,my eyes widenedwhen I read that her and her father’s side of the family weredescendantsoftheBlack people who founded the smallcountry town.So, that was another reason why she was proud. I got it.

“What the…” Isatup when the picture enlarged.

It was a picture ofQuinci and the guy on myexecutive board. It looked like they were at a party. I minimized the screen and opened theKog system, opening the employee file. That was him,but it didn’t say that he was from Citrus Grove. His application said that he was from Chicago.

“Hmm. Wonder what that’s about?”

Picking up the phone,I dialed Denim’s office while I continued to scrollthe file.

“I know that girl too.”

I’denlarged another picture of her to see that she was hugging the girl who workedfor my friend.

“Dymon, don’t call me with noshitright now. Give the girl a chance to get stuff right. You think everybody supposed to be perfect at—”

“Denim. Calm down. I’m not calling you aboutthat.Well, I am calling you about that, but not in a bad way. What made you choose her to hire without my permission?”

“So, you are calling me withbullshit?I’m hanging up.”

“Hold on. Hold on. Calm yourlil’ short ass down. So, don’t be mad at me, but I got abackground check on her.”

“Why? You don’t trust me?”

“I do, but—”