Page 5 of Tempted By Danger

Looking out the window, I saw that we’dlanded in New York.The sun started to peek through the clouds.

“You ready?”

I nodded my head.“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Look, don’tgo in there withthat shit, Dymon. The quicker you getthis shitover with, the quicker you can go back to California…or Texas. Wherever.”

“You right.”

“I know I am.”

His smirk was making me uneasy.

* * *

Diesel turnedinto the driveway of our childhood home.Our house was the standardwealthyperson house in New York who didn’t live in the actual city; a lot of bedrooms and bathrooms, a pool, theatre room, and all the other bells and whistles that you couldthink of. There were cars lined up in the yard, which meant that my dad had everyone in this stupid meeting. I closed my eyes and took a couple of breaths before stepping out of the car.

“This seems serious, Diesel. And you don’t know what he did?”

“I do. Just not everything.”

“But that’s not—”

“We are going to get all the informationas soon as we step in the house.”

That stupid smirk on his face made me want to smack it off.Before we could open the door, it came opened, and the smell of breakfast slapped me right in the face.

“Mr. Diesel. Mr. Dymon.”Ourlong-timebutler, Joel,nodded his head at us.

“Morning,” Dieselspoke. “Where are they?”

“Inthe conference room. Would you two like some breakfast?”

“Yes, please.”

“Mr. Dymon,it’s been a while, but I do remember that youlike eggs—over easy, bacon—fried hard, and two slices of toast. Cold cup of apple juice.”


As we walked through the halls of my house,I sawnothing had changed. The family pictures still lined the halls.My mother was the type who wanted to take pictures for Christmas cards every year. Boughteach and everypicture that the school sent home. Had one car that had all the school bumper stickers on it. She was also the type who went to every function with the other rich housewives. They all sat ingoofy ass circles, drinking, while they liedabout their already extravagant livesand cheating ass husbands. They always had to one up each other.

Downstairs, we’d reach the conference room where all my dad’s most trusted people came to meet. You would think that he was a part of the mob or something. When we walked in the room, my entire family was in there, along with my dad’s team of lawyers,publicists, and whoever else he needed to keep his life going.The hush that went over the room made it seem like they weretalking about me when I walked in.

“Dymonnnn!” my sister, Denim,squealed before running over to me and jumping in my arms like a little girl.

Even though she was older by two years, I was much bigger and taller than her.Everywhere she went, she was the smallest and smartest person in the room.She’d graduated early,at the top of her classfrom the best law school in New York. All the law firms wanted her, but their pleas fell on deaf ears as sheknew it was destined for her to work for her father’s company.

“What’s up,lil’thing? How you been?”

“Busy, busy, busy, andmore busy. You know how that goes.You know what Dad did, yet?”

“Nah. Diesel didn’t say anything, but I know his ass knows. You know he be lying to get his way.”

“You knowhow he do.”

“So, you know what he did?”

She was getting ready to answer when she noticed I wasn’t paying attention to her anymore.