Page 45 of Tempted By Danger

“Hold on, I’m going to catch the elevator down with you.”

He ignoredme, and I heard him press the buttonon the elevator. The doors opened almost immediately.

“Hold on. I just have to slip my shoe on.”

When I rounded my desk, he was stepping on the elevator, pushing thebutton to make the doors closeeven faster.

“I ride the elevator alone,” he affirmed as the doors were sliding closed.

I gasped. I couldn’t believe that he’d done that. On second thought, I could. I turned around when Iheard snickering.

“One day, women will listen to me when I tell them to run from him.”

I scoffedunder my breath before turning and pressing the buttonfor the elevator again. It didn’t take the doors long to open. When I got on, I pressed the button for the bottom floor.I kept my eyes on the groundbecauseI didn’t want tolook in Kia’s face.On the ride down, Ipulled my phone out of my pocketto check myphone andsaw that I had many messages frommy mom, Kemba, and even Fiona. The doors opened, and I walked out into a sea of people.

Jesus, how many people work in here?

The dress codesaid business casual, not black and white.And then there was me, sticking out like a sore thumb with this bright ass orange shirt on. With my first paycheck, I was going to have to buy more clothes.

Stepping outthe building, I looked ahead to see Dymon getting into the backseat of a sleek black expensive-looking car. When the door closed,I couldn’t even see his face because the tint was so dark. I stared at the car until it pulled away fromthe building. When I looked down at my vibrating watch, I saw Fiona calling.

I answered the phone. “Fiii.”

“Girl, I am walkingtoward the sandwich shop now. Where are you?”

“Same. Headed that way now. About to put the directions in my phone.”

“Girl, come out the building, and go left. You won’t miss it, I promise. See you when you get here.”

* * *

After shoulder-checkingmy way through people for several blocks, I finally made it to the sandwich shop Fiona wanted me to meet her at. There was a line outside the door, but I walked inside to see her sitting in the back corner.

She stood and waved me over to her.Her face slowly dropped as I got closer to her.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I’ll tell you after you hug me. It’s been so long.”

We embraced for amoment before we sat down.

“Bitch, that’s really what you wore to work to meet the Dymon Danger? You are working for one of the richest Black men in New York, and the world, and you are dressed like Lil’ Bo Peep? Why? Do you know the rooms you’ll be privy too?”

I did notice she had on askirt thatstopped slightly above her knees, and a blouse that made her breasts sit up perfectly. Plus, the tall heels that mostly every womanhad on who worked in DHQ. Much like me, Fiona was tall, but the heels made her taller. Her hair was bone-straight with a part down the middle. It looked like a fresh silk press.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Girllll, Mr. Dymon is nothing to write home about with that macho attitude. Do you know he told me that he rides the elevator alone before letting the doors close on me? Why on earth would you think I would be trying to look good forhim?”

“So, you don’t find him attractive?Plus, he’svery deep in the streets, and the girls have great stories about him.”

“Oh, God. You think that’s going to make me want to look good for him, telling me he’sanarrogant manwhore?” I laughed, even though I’d already picked that vibe up from him.

Hedefinitely seemedlike the type to wine and dine women, lead them on and then tell them the infamous corny line, it’s not you, it’s me.

“That’s not answering the question.”

“Yes. He’s fine as hell, but he still got a nasty attitude.And now that I know he slings hispenis everywhere…Ugh.”I fake gagged, making her laugh.

The waiter walked over to us, setting a couple glasses of water down in front of us.