Page 3 of Tempted By Danger

“For what it’s worth, Dymon, the family isextremely proud of you. Even though you didn’t want us ateither of your graduations.”

I raised my eyebrows in response as if he could seeme.When he turned and looked at me, I stared out the window as we started to taxi down the runway.He was right. I didn’t want any of them faking the funk atmygraduation.I made sure not to tell them about my college graduations.

I even managed to hackmy high schoolprincipal’s email address and typed up an email saying I wasn’t going to graduate. However, my father made a special trip out to Wyoming to figure out why I wasn’t graduating—which I didn’t think they woulddo—andfoundout that I was, in fact, graduating and at the top of my class.So, they were there, and as usual,the center of attention. With the other parents bombarding my father, trying to talk about funding their business idea,the attention wasn’t on me.It was oneday,and my family couldn’t bothergiving me half of their attention. That was another reason why I needed toget thefuckaway from them.

“You shut yourself offfrom the family like—”

“Diesel, I don’t want to hear about that right now. You were born out of love and—”

“You still on that stupid assshit, Dymon. You know Mother and Father loved you just as muchas they loved any of oursiblings. Denim was born for the samething,and you don’t see her actingthe way you fucking do. She shows up for holidays and engagements. She’s not pouting for being created to help someonewho ourparents—and you—I hope,love.”

I shook my head. “Y’all were treated differently than me.”

“Because, Dymon, you acted an ass at every turn.Stop acting like you made parenting easy.”

“Mother sent me to aboys’school because she caught me having sex.”

“You and your little nasty ass friends were having an orgy with six women and recording it, Dymon. Not to mention it, the video got out. A couple of those girls belonged to the senator, mayor,and the congressman. What did you think was going to happen? They wanted your head. You used to just doshitfor no reason.You twenty-six years old today. Yougottagrow thefuckup and get over the shit. You are a Danger. You can’t changeshitabout that.”

“Sometimes, I wonderwhat if Denim would have matched with Demetria instead of Dymon? He just embarrasses us so bad.He just acts like he hates us. I’m so sick of him,” I mumbled.


“That’s what your mother said about meto your father right before she shipped me to Wyoming like I was one of her dresses she didn’t like. All becauseshe caught me having sex. You know what that would do to asixteen-year-old?”

He shook his head.“I… I never knew she said that. My apologies, Dymon. Why did you keep thatto yourself?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“Damn, man. I wish I would’ve known that, then I wouldn’t have beenfighting you and hassling you to come home for holidays andshit. However, this is different. This is business.?We are going to deal with the othershitlater.”

That was Diesel—putting the business before any and everything.He closed hislaptop and placed it in his bagnext to him. Grabbing the blanket from the other seat, he reclined the backrest and coveredhimself. When he didshitlike that, that was his way of ending a conversation. Reclining the seat back, I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.

Myparents stood behindmy father’sofficedeskstaringdown at me.I’d justbeen expelledfrom the veryprestigiousprivate school that my mother andfather paid a pretty penny for, and they werevery upsetabout it.No amount of donations would keep me in the school.

“Dymon, yourfatherandIfeellike it’s best thatyoucontinue your studies in Wyoming.”

“Wyoming!BecauseI had sex?” I looked betweenboth of them.

“Dymon! You and yourfriends were havingan… an…” Shepressed her hand against her stomach as if she were about to throw up.

“An orgy,Mother.”

“Oh, God.Yousayingit like you were proud of it.”

“It’s just sex.We all agreed to it. None ofthose girls werebeing heldhostage or… rapedasoneof thefathers tried to suggest,Mother.Please.”

“Son,not only were you, your friends, and thoseyoung ladiesparticipating in something god-awful, youall had the nerveto recordit,” myfather argued.

I squinted at him because he had some nerve to be trying to scold me like I didn’t know about some of theshitthat he had done. Like the time I caught him getting his dick sucked in his office by his secretary a couple of years ago. I was sure that he read my mind becausehe shifted in his seatbefore looking at his desk.

“And it got out. Everyone in yourschool sawit,”Mother added.

“Well,like I told thedean,I didn’t haveanythingto do with that.Funny how all theboys got expelled, but not thegirls. They theones who wantedtofuckus!I still have all theletters to prove it!Y’all didn’t even try to fight for meto stay in the school!That’sfuckedup!”

“Watch yourgoddamnmouth,DymonDanger,” myfather growled.

My mother inhaled and exhaled slowly. “This is exactly what I’m talking about with him.”