Page 25 of Tempted By Danger

Quinci Everly

One Week Later: Sunday

I’d given in.

After a restless night, I’d gotten up and told Denim that I would take her job offer, but only for six months. I told her to give me a week to get my things in order—or to change my mind,but I hadn’t. Themoment I told her yeah, my mother immediately started to freak out—as if she hadn’t been the one bragging to everyone who would listen that I was moving to New York. Every day, we’d been driving over to Fort Myers, shopping for new clothes for me. She didn’t want me taking old clothes, so she says.

I was standing in my room, looking around at all the mess I’d made packing my two suitcases. I’d grown up in this room.Tears started to well up in myeyes because I really could have slept in this room for the rest of my life. The soft knocks on the doorgot my attention. When the door came open,my dad stood there with his back brace on. He’d finally gotten out of a bed and walked around upstairs every other hour. He said he wasn’t ready to try the stairs yet.

“Hey, Quinn. You all packed up?”

The slight crack in his voice, prompted me to clearmy throat.

I nodded my head.“Yup.”

If I said morethan that, my voice would be cracking too.

He walked slowly over to the bedand eased down next to my suitcase, resting his arm on it. He stared at me with his big brown eyes, water filling them.

“Your mother and grandmothers are down there having a fit.And it’s all your mother’s fault.Did you enjoy your going away party?”

I nodded my head.

Yesterday, my mother threw me a surprise going away party. It started as anyol’ day; I got up, cooked breakfast, and went to the grove. As my mom did every weekend, she called me and told me that I needed to pick up aseafood box. When I stopped in Sam’s,everyone jumped out,taking me by surprise. It was a lot of our close friends and family. The party lasted longer than we expected, but everyone had a good time. Everyone’s gifts were words of wisdomand sliding me a few dollars.

“Baby, how am I going to protect you being that far from me?”

I didn’t know what to say.

“I suppose I can let you go, but you call me, any time, day or night. If Ihave toget an automated hospital bedand roll it through that airport, I’ll be there.”

I laughed. “Dad, you are so afraid of planes.”

“And so areyou, butlook at you, facing one of your fears.”

“Yeah, Denim got me a first-class flight with Delta. The flight is four hours. I think Ican already feel my stomach touching the bottomof my butt right now.”

“Quinn! It’s time to go, baby!” my mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

Kemba appeared in the doorway in his orangeshirt and blue jeans.

My dad turned and looked at him. “Now, if you here, who the hell at the grove?”

“Mr. Q., I left Lil’ Jon…”

“Oh, Lord, not Lil’ Jon.This why I can’t trust y’all.That boydon’tknow up from down some days.At this point, my replacement is not even born yet.”

Kemba and I both laughed.

He walked across the room and pulled my suitcase off the bed, then grabbed the otherthat was already in the middle of the floor.My backpack and purse werealready downstairs. We watched Kemba walk out of the room with both of my suitcases.

“I’m going to cry in my room,” my dad said and laughed.

He stood up slow,and he walked me to the top of the stairs.He couldn’t wrap his arms around me, so I wrapped my arms around the top of his back.

I pulled away and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Dad.”

“I love you, too, Quinci.”