Page 21 of Tempted By Danger

“Dymon, I said I needed to talk to you. Denim and I both. She’s on speakerin your office.”

She was much shorter than me, soher short strides were no match for mine.Her breath was labored like she was brisk walking.

I stopped in front of the elevatorand pushed floor twenty-five.“About what?”

“Two things.”

When the doors opened, two workers were on, opposite of the cart like they’d been doing something they ain’t have any business doing. Both of their chests were heaving up and down, and when they noticedme,they nearly jumped out of their skin.


“Mr. Danger.”

They both said at the same time while staring at me like they’d seen a ghost. Whenwe stepped on the elevator,theyboth tried to duck out of the elevator.

“Hey!” I yelled. “I trust that when I look at the cameras, I won’t see anything Ishouldn’t see,” I said as the doors closed. They’ll be on their toes for the rest of the day.

“The cameras in here aren’t working right now.”

“I know that, but they don’t need to know… wait? Still? It’s been four weeks. What’s going on?”

“That’s not my area, Dymon.”

The doors opened, and we walked off at the same time.She followed me in the office and shut the door.I took my coat off, hanging it on the back of the chair. Before I could sit down, Metri pulled my chair away from me, sitting in it.She pressed a few buttons on mydesk phone.


“Yeah, girl. Where Big Head at?”

Even though she was four years older than me, she was my baby. Her and Denim.I’d protect them with my life. They were the only women in the world who could check me, and the only women I would ever let check me. They made me soft, honestly.

When I took over the company, Metri started working for the HR department. When I told her she had to interview, she stared at me like I had two heads on my shoulders.Needless to say, shedidn’t interviewfor the job.Ourmom was sadthat she decided to come work with me, but she was ready to move on to something more challengingand getfrom under her. She’d been doing sowell,and I was really proud of her.

“Big Head is right here, Den. Where are you?”

“Who the baby? You or me? You always in my business.”

In her background,I heard a lot of windblowingand glasses clinking.

“You on a beach?”

“Two things, Dymon.”

“I’m listening.”

“One,good news. I think I’ve found you an assistant.”

“Resume and photo?”

“The background check came back clear,” Demetria chimed.

“Good.That’s all I was waiting on.”

“And you saidtheirstart day was Monday, right?”


“Whoa. Why are y’all talking like I’m not sitting right here, and who is this assistant? Whereis shefrom? How come her resume and headshot ain’t sitting in my email?”