Page 2 of Tempted By Danger

“Dymon.” He cleared his throat. “Your father wants you there at the meeting because whether you like it or not, you are a Danger, and you’re going to be affiliated withthat name, no matter where you go.Don’t act like you haven’t been using the name to get you out of trouble and get in clubs for free.Nigga, please. You better recognize who you’re talking too. Like I said, you are a part of DangerIncorporated, and you are going to act like it. Your father wants you home for this meeting, and you are going to be there.While you get changed, I am going to end this party, and we are going to the jet—”

“Right now! It’s my birthday.”

“You don’t want me to knock you out in front of your friends and drag you out of here on your birthday. You know I will. You have twenty minutes.”

We stared at each other for a few moments before I left the room.I knew Diesel wasn’t lying when he said that he’d knock me out. Since he was six years older than me, he’d always been much bigger and taller.Between him and my otherolderbrother, him and I were the closest. As our mom once said, Diesel was the only one who could handle me—eventhough she never tried—it was true because I was a rebel. Between being the baby of five kids and finding out you were only born to save someone’slife,itwould make you viewshita little differently.

Upstairs in my room, I heard Diesel putting the partygoers out.I was thankful that I was getting ready to make my move fromLAtoAustin, Texas because tech was booming out there, and I was looking to start a tech companywith my good friends, Ryan andPrice. The moving truck wasgoing to be here to pick my things up in about a week to transport themdown to Austin.

I’d gone down thereand found me a nice little condo overlooking downtown. It was nice. Since I’d planned on keeping this house, I wasn’t going to buy a house in Austin because it wasn’t going to be a long-term living place for me. I was just going to get a business started for a few years and then probably move back to LA.

It didn’t take me longto getcleaned up andchanged.Since I didn’t plan on being in New York long, I only grabbed asmall backpackfull of theessential stuffthat I would need. If I needed more, I would just pick up someshitthere.After grabbing my bag, I walked downstairs just as my brother was looking at his watch.

“Thought I was going to have to come get you.”


Since both Ryan and Price had a key to my place, I sent a text to our group chat making sure one of them got the placed cleaned up, while I took care of some familyshitback in New York.Outside, a black truck was waiting for us.

“So, what’s Dad gotten himself into now?”I asked once we were seated in the truck.

“We don’t reallyhave an understanding ofit. He’s been trying to get you back to New York, so we can havethis family meeting. No one really knows what’s going on except Declan, and you know he’s going to keep a tight lip about it.”

I felt like Diesel was lying, but I’d go with it. He wasn’t above lying to get what he wanted. Reason why he was good at what he did.And plus, our dad wasdefinitely closer—business wise—to Diesel.So, whatever was going on, his assdefinitely knewabout it.

“I guess. Well, Ihope this doesn’t take longer than forty-eight hours because I haveshitto do here in LA before I move to Austin.”

“Of courseyou do.”

Diesel didn’t ask me any more questions because he knew that if I didn’t elaborate, then I wasn’t going to say anything about it. It’s been that way since I was in high school. Everytime I told him I wanted to do something, he always took over instead of just letting me doshitmyself, whichwas one of the reasons why I wanted to separate myself from the family. One thing I couldn’t dowaschange my last name.

As I said before, I was the baby of the family. Declan andDiesel were twins, with Diesel being the oldest by ten minutes.After them was Demetria, Denim and then me. I was closest to Dieselbecause Declan was a kiss-assto our parents, our dad especially.Denim and I wereclose because we were only two years apartand kind of had each other, since our mother paid more attention to our older sister, Demetria. Denim easily shruggedthat shitoff, but I couldn’t; especially when I was the only one who was treated differently.

Therest of the ride was quiet as I looked out the window at the streets of California.

As soon as I graduated from that stupidboys’school inWyoming,that my mom sent me to, I decided that I needed to be as far away from them as possible. My father thought that I was going to come back and start working for the family business, but that was never going to happen. If they could just throw me away, I could do the same with them.

At my graduation/welcome home party, I announced that I’d gotten in UCLA, and that was where I’d be doing my undergrad studies.They didn’t like that at all. I took what I could get of my trust fund at eighteen and dipped.Just last year for my twenty-fifth birthday, I was able to get more of my trust fund. The last little bit of my trust fund wasset up for me to getafterI got married. I never saw that happening for me,so I’d never get that other half, which was why I planned to move to Austin to get my tech company set up.

Pullinginto the strip, the jet was already going.Thepilot stood at the end of the stepswith his phone to his ear.When I stepped out the truck, his eyes widenedjust as his lips spread into a big smileacross his face.

“Well,shit, Diesel. When youtold me to keep the jet going, andthat you were going to bring his ass right back, I thought you were joking,”Nathaniel, our family pilot, expressedwhile sliding his phone in his pocket.

Diesel chuckled under his breath.

The last time I’d seen him was when he came and picked me up from Wyoming after the graduation, which was about eight years ago.I’d known him all my life because that was just how long he’d been working for my family.

“What’s up, Mr. Nathaniel?”

He pulled me in for a hug. “Damn, I can barely wrap my arms around your ass.What’s in this water in Californiabecause I know you ain’t been pumping that much iron?”

I chuckled. “Man, nothing. You been good?”

“I been well. I can see you been doing well. Happy Birthday, by the way, and congrats on your second degree.”

“Thank you.”

After wegot settledon the jet, my brothersat across the aisle from me with his head inalaptop, as usual.