Page 18 of Tempted By Danger

When the door opened, Roger stood there looking at his watch.

“Can I help you?”

“Did you forget that we had a meeting this morning?”

I eyed the calendar on my desk.There wasn’t a sticky note on today’s date.Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I opened my calendar to see that there wasn’t anything there.

“What else do you have to search foryou to know that you forgot you scheduledit, and thisearly, just to be an asshole?”

Roger wasthe only person who had the balls to talk to me the way that he did. He was my father’s COO, and one of the only few peopleI kept when I came in. I’ve known him since I wasyounger,andhe was one of mydad’sonly solid friends. He wasn’t as accepting when my dad appointed me as CEO with no experiencein the family business at all, but eventually, he got over it. Well, at least I think he got over it.

Ignoring his comment, Ityped in my password to open my computer. I waited a few moments before opening ourKogNitoapp where we shared work-relatedshit. Clicking on today’s date, the note nextto it read Hawaii.

“Ah, yes, Iremember now. Asexresort in Hawaii.”

“A what!” Roger hissed.

Closing my computer, I stood and grabbed my jacket. I looked at the stack of papers on my desk and sighed again.Denim promised me that she’d handle this, but she decided that she needed a break withthatpussy ass, hating ass boyfriend of hers. I didn’t know how much longer it would take, but something needed to happen. Maybe I needed to take Bernard’s advice and cast a wider net.I made a mental note to add it to the list ofshitI needed to talk to Metri about.

“What did you just say?”

I held my hand out, giving him the indication that I wanted him to move, so I could close my door.He fell in stride with me when I started toward the elevator.When we made it to the elevator, I pushed the button and looked at thenumbers at the top to see what floor the elevator was on.

“Do you not hear me talking to you?”

I turned and looked at him. “If you have any objections to it, then it will be discussed in the meeting.”

He rubbed his lips together, probably remembering to choose his words wisely, because no matter the age difference or experience, I was still his boss.

When my phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulleditout to see Tyra’s name flashing on the screen.I alreadyknew what she wanted, and I didn’t feellike hearing nothing aboutthat shitright now.When the doors opened, we both stepped on.He didn’t push a button, so the elevator didn’t move. He turned toward me but took a step back because he didn’t want to be looking up at me.

“Dymon,are youaware of what almost brought this company to its knees?”

“Yes, but are you aware of—”

“No, are you aware of what just happened this morning?”

“No, and I don’t care to know what happened this morningif it doesn’t have anything to do with Dymon Danger.”

“Therein lies the problem. You don’tgive a damnabout anything if it doesn’t have anything to do with Dymon Danger.”

My eyes automatically moved in a confused mannerbefore looking at my watch. “All of this over a meeting that you are now making me even later for?”

He inhaled and exhaled slowly. “My niece—”

“Oh! That’s what this is about? I denied her application for employment here.”

“And justwhy the fuckdid you do that? I promisedmy wifethat I’d get her a job here.How the fuckdo you think it looks to my fucking familythata COO, of amultimillion-dollarcompany,can’t get his niece a job at the placewhere he works?”

I blinked a couple times. “That seems… personal to me. What does your family not respecting you have to do with me?”

“Fuck you, Dymon.”

He jammed his fist into floor twenty,andthe elevator jumped.

“You can be angry with me all you want, but I stand by my decision. One peek at her social media, and I see that she’s not fit to work here. Before she even submitted the application—which was filled out terribly,might I add—she was talking about how her uncle was about to get her a job with a rich nigga, andit was going to be over for you hoes, or something like that. My assistant will know too much of my business to be online talking like that.” The elevator slowed toa stop. “So again, your problems are not with me.”

The doors opened, and I stepped off the elevator before him. Bending the corner,a sudden hush went over the room, and the clacking of the keyboards got louder. Everyone’s phone was suddenly ringing louder than before.They all kept their heads glued to theircomputers as I walked by. None of them tried to make eye contact.Floortwenty was the sales floor and had the biggest conference room, so that’s where mostly all the meetings were held.