Page 163 of Tempted By Danger

My blood was boiling, but there was no way I could lose my cool now. He already had the upper hand, and there was no telling what he’d already told her parents.

Everyone in the room stared at us.The look on her grandmothers’ faces were unrecognizable, but I could see the worry on her mother’s face, and the pure anger on her dad’s face. She explained them perfectly to me.

“Quinn, whatis going on?” her mother asked softly.

“Mom, I don’t know what he told you, so I really can’t answer that right now.”

“Baby, he said that—” her mother started before her father cut her off.

“No softshittoday, Bern. He said that you are not working anymore, and you are shacking up with your boss, and that he beats you! That’swhat the fuckhe said.”

“Dad, I can explain. I have to explain.”

“No, Quinci.No,you cannot explain a man beating on you, and you having the nerve to bring him in here like I don’t have the sawed-off in reaching distance.You can’t explain that to me.”

“Mr. Everly, I don’t take too kindly to threats,” I told him.

He jumped up.

Sheclutched the top ofher headand gasped. “Oh, God.” She turned around and looked at me. “Mr. Dymon, please, okay. Just…just…please.” She turned back around and looked at her father. “Dad, I don’t know how to explain it, but I will try.”

“No! I want him out of my house!”

Derek had a smirk on his face.

“Quest Sr.,” one of her grandmother’s called him. “Let her talk.”

“No, Mom. I will not. She’s never seen me raise my hand to her mother.”

“Quest Sr. Sit down. Now,” hermother spoke calmly.

He did as he was toldwhile he glared at me.

“Derek. I need to talk to you. Now!”

I watched him followher outside the door that was near the dining room. The minute the door closed, she started yelling.

“What the hell is your problem, Derek! You have some nerve coming to my parents’ home, startingbullshitwhen you don’t even know what’s going on.”

“What! I don’t know what’s going on? Youdamnright I have a problem. I begged you to come to New York! Begged you! Even proposed to youso you would know how serious I was about us, and you said no! So, of course,I have a problem with you moving to New York and jumping on the first man’s penis who paid you attention, let alone my boss!That is not the girl you are!”

“Derek, you have a fiancée! And she’s pregnant! And you’re here trying to tell on melike I am not a growndamnwoman. You are out of your mind. I’m sorry about the way things worked out between us, but I am not going to apologize for the relationship that I havewith Mr. Dymon!”

“And stop calling him that. You don’t meanshitto him! Youain’tnothing but a piece of pussy that he’s going to discard the minute he gets tired of you!Ask Kia!”

Her hand went across his face before she could stop herself. Both her father and I were heading for the door before shewalked in, leaving him outside, standing there looking stupid. Tearswere streaming down her face.I tried to walk around her to get outside, but she stepped in front of me.

“Baby, no.”

“Mom. Dad. Mr. Dymon and I are in adom/sub relationship. Everything we do is completelyconsensual.He’s never hurt me.We fell in love with each other, and that’s what it is. Due to his family issues, he quit his job, and because I was his assistant, I left too.Happy?”

She started sobbing beforerushing back out of the door. I walked out behind her as shehopped on her scooter and snapped on her helmet.

“I just need a minute, Mr. Dymon,” she retorted and sped off.

Walking back in thedining room, I pointed at the door with my thumb.

“She’s just going to the Grove. I’ll take you. Let me grab my keys. And my gun,” her father responded, walking by me.