Page 135 of Tempted By Danger

“Even your panties and bras, although, you’re not going to need themmajority of the time.”

“Oh. I like the sound of that.Wait. What about the stuff for my hair?”

“Baby, I got everything you’ll need.”

She grinned and did a little dance in her seat.

That was theshitthat made me happy with her. Anything I did forher,she did a little dance. The other day I had a late meeting, and I bought her home a slice of deep-dish pizza, and she did her little happy dance. Along with a cardfilled with another apology and three dozen roses,I got her a $60,000 tennis bracelet, and she still did that cute little dance before a few tears filled her eyes. She’d put it on and hadn’t taken it off.I didn’t know what it was about herthat made me want to buy her everything I saw.

Even though she was looking out the window, her fingers were locked in mine.She loved PDA and always stressed that it killed herthat she couldn’t touch me in public.

It didn’t hit me until I had to step away to Tennessee for me to realize thatIactually missedher. Also, that I could see myself takingthis shitto another level with her. As I was thinking about that, I also thought about how she was adamant that she was going back toher town in December and that our contract would be voided. There was no way that she could just cut our relationshipoff and not feelshit. If she could, then she would be one cold-heartedbitchin my book, and I wouldn’t be able to do nothing but respect it because I have done the same thing to plenty of womenwhen I was her age.

“Oh my God, Mr. Dymon!”Quinci screamed.

I looked up to see what was going on, andBernardhad turned into the private jet yard.

“What, baby?”

She looked at me smiled. “You called me baby.”

“I’ve called you baby before. Chill.”

“Not like that. It seems so…official, but we’ll get back to that later. Did you get us a private jet just to go to Colorado?Is this your privatejet? Like, your private jet.”

“Yes, this is my private jet. The company private jet is that mid-size one at the endwith the company logo on it. My parents’ jet is across from that one.”

“Oh, wow. Why so many jets? Do all y’all really travel at different times where you can’t just use one?”she spit out.

I smiled at her beforereaching out andrubbing my thumb across her cheek, making her smile. “You are so pretty when you ask a million questions about things that won’t matterin aboutten minutes.”

“Okay, I’malso talking fastbecause I am very nervous that just three months ago, I went from riding no plane, to riding first classand then now, I am riding on a privatejettttt….” She whisper-shouted the last part, makingme laugh so hard.

She gasped and straightened her shoulders.“Mr. Dymon, I got private jetcoochie?”

Bernardchoked andcleared his throat, while I continued to laugh.

“Okay, sorry, Mr. Bernard. That was very out ofline,and I wouldn’t have said anything like that in front of my father. I’m going to get out the car now and pray that God guides the pilot’s hands and eyes through the sky on this tiny… little…”

“Quinci, baby…” I grabbed her hands and kissed them both. “It’s going to be okay.My pilot isvery experienced. He’s been flying longer than we’ve been born. I promise.”

“That doesn’t help. But thank you for trying.” Shegrabbed her tote and gotoutofthe car.

Bernard stared at me with a smirk on his face. “I like her. A lot. For you. I’ve seen a change in you. However, I still think this is going to end bad, especially if you don’t talk to her about everything.”

“I will. And so do I, but I am going to enjoyit all the way down.”

“Of course. Your last name wouldn’t beDanger ifyou didn’t.” He stepped out of the car and opened the door for me.

Quinciwas walking around in small circles with her handsin a praying motion. Her eyes were closed, which made it even funnier.

“Ahh! See!” Quinci screamed.

“Girl, that was the trunk popping. Come on here.” I reached out and grabbed her wrist, leading her toward the jet. She pantedreally hardas I all but dragged herbehind me.

“What about the bags?”

“Bernard is putting them on the plane.”