Page 134 of Tempted By Danger

I heard the taps of heels and shoes scattering across the floor before she thanked me and ended the call.Powering down my computer, I stood and put mysuit coaton. I saw Roger through the glass powerwalking toward my office.

“Are you out of your mind? I had a team meeting today.”

I pulled my coat closed and buttoned it. “Either reschedule, or send it an email.”

“It wasforsomething that was dueonTuesday.This is whyyou need to check with other people before you just decide todo something stupid likelet the whole company off.”

I picked up my briefcase. “Well, Roger, call your team back then, and give them my regards.”

I opened the doorand waved my hand out so he could leave my office. Quinci eyed him before looking at me, silently asking me if I was good, and I nodded my head.

“You ready?” I asked her.

She nodded her head. When she stood up,I looked her up and down making her bite her lip. She had onan orange button-down with her favorite high waist jeans.Because she’d asked so nicely—while my dick was in her mouth—to let the company wear jeans, I’d agreed. I told her we could do a trial run for a month, and the team was happy about it, I suppose. They talked about it for days.

She walked in front of me, and my eyes were glued to her ass. I still couldn’t believe that I saw her naked ass every night and still enjoyed seeing it in her work clothes. The moment I looked up, Kia was glaring at me, nostrils flaring.

“Have a good weekend, Kia,” Quinci saidto her.

“You too,” she mumbled.

She and I stepped on the elevator together and looked at Kia at the same time.Just from the look on her face, I knew she was trying to fake a smile, but couldn’t.As soon as the doors closed, Quinci looked up at mewith a frown on her face.

“Not right now.”

“Yes, sir,” she mumbled.

When theelevatordoors opened in the garage,Bernard was outside the carwith the doors open.

“So, what was that about?” Quinci asked once we were seated in the car.

I looked at her. “You really wanna know?”

She nodded her head.

“Well, I managed to get us a weekend at—”

“Eeek! Mr. Dymon!” she screamed before wrapping her arms around my neck.

Bernard eyed me in the mirror with a slight smirk on his face.

“You don’t even know whatI was about to say.”

She pulled back and looked at me. “Yousaid you got us a weekend somewhere. I don’t care where it is, I’m just happy to be with you.”

When she talked like that, it made me feelgood.

“So, we are going to the lodge inColorado.”

She gasped andfake covered her mouth with her fingers. “Seriously, Mr. Dymon?”

I nodded my head.

“Oh, wow.And that’s where we about to go now? Ihave topack. What is the weather going to be like?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Everything is already packed.”

She leaned forward and whispered, “Even my panties and bras?”