Page 103 of Tempted By Danger

“Girl, yes. I think I ate, like, twenty before I threw up, and Derek literally ate about forty and then I had to deal…” I stopped talking when I realized that it ended with me suckinghis dickand him throwing up when he nutted.

WhenI looked atDerek, he looked mortified, so I decided not tofinish the story and poured me another shot of Tequila. I was thankful when Price’s loud ass phone rung on the table.

“Yo,Price.” He leaned over and looked at me. “Shorty, you got your workphone?Danger tryingto get in contact with you about a… template, I don’t know. Here. That nigga don’t ever stop working.”

I rolled my eyes so hard and sighed. He was grasping at straws to try and talk to me.


“Get yourmothafuckin’ ass upstairs right now. Please don’t make me call twice,” he growled low into the phone.

Before I could protest, he ended the call. I gavePrice his phone back. I’d purposely left both my phones in the room, so I wouldn’t be distracted by him calling and texting my work phone back-to-back just to annoy me. I poured two more shots, throwingthe firstone backbefore standing and throwing the secondone back.

“He calls you all night like that?” Derek asked.

“Yes. The only time he’s not calling if he’s sleeping.”

“And you wanna work around that?”

“Yes. He pays me great. It’s no big deal.”

“Be careful, man.”

“That seems to be the running theme,” I mumbled.“Goodnight, guys.”

Walking out of the restaurant, I headed toward the elevator. Dymon didn’t wantshitbut to annoy me because I’d been ignoring his ass since Denim handed me that binder withall ofthemdamn rules in it. I knew it was killing him too. He’d been barking at everyone, including me,these last few days.People were staying out of his way. I was even punishing him by not looking at him, well, at least not directly. Out the corner of my eye, Iwould catch him glaring at me, other times, gazing at me. Instead of letting him pick me up or take me home, I’d walk.I couldn’t lie; it was the hardest game I’d played because Imissed him bad—bad attitude and all.

When the doors opened,I walked down the short hallto see Dymon sitting on the couch with thebinder open on the table.The tattoos sticking out of his T-shirt were sodamnsexy. The slim jeans he wore were perfect. They weren’t skinny jeans, nor were they thebigMichael Jordan jeans. They were just perfect on him. His white Adidas were at the edge of the carpet.

“Can I help you?”

“I don’tfucking know. Can you?” He yanked the binderup and stalked toward me, holding it up. “The datesays yousigned thefucking paperson Tuesday! The samefucking dayDenim gavethem to you.”

I nodded my head slightly. “That’scorrect.”

“So,why the fuckyou beentorturing me, then? Wearing yourhairthe way I like. Wearing thefucking skirtsand pants that fits your assand waist.Thatfucking push-upbra.Notfucking talkingto me, and you’ve signed the fucking papers. I don’t understand you, Quinci.I don’t like being ignored, man.”

“I ignored you?Or, did I do what the paperwork said and stayed away from you until the papers were signed? I did my job. Perfectly. Spoke to you about work. So…” I turnedand walked away from him.

“And then youwearingthat…” He smacked my ass so hard that I had to stopwalking. “…wearing that little ass shit while you down there with that nigga.” He smacked my ass again.“And you ain’t got on nofuckingpanties, or a fucking bra.”He smacked my ass with much more force.

“Mhm.” A slight groan escaped my lips.

The stinging pain felt sofucking good, but I had to hold my ground for just a few more moments.I turned around and looked up at him. When I felt his crotch, I took a slight step back.

“I wasn’t going to go anywhere tonight, Mr. Danger, and—”

“Cutthat out.”

“And Fiona called me and said they were downstairs.It goes past my knees.”

I had on a straplesscalf-lengthcotton dress that I picked up from a boutiquewhen I was out exploring. It fit pretty good. It wasn’t so tight that it showed the dimples in my ass. He was justexaggerating.

“But it’s hugging everything. If I can tell you don’t have on panties or a bra, then everybody else could.”

“Everybody else? Or just Derek, who was also down there with his fiancée, might I add.”

“Shit. She probably thinking the same thing I’m thinking.”