Page 36 of Sinfully Devoted

"If you take this shit off, I'll show you how compliant she is." Motioning to the restraints, something was inside me telling me I had to put a stop to it. "I'll show you just how well she takes orders, but you’re not the one who's going to do it. You're just gonna make things worse."

Pleading with him wasn’t exactly something I liked doing, but I also had an ulterior motive in this. Looking over at Mom, Dad motioned for her to release me. Rubbing my wrists, I picked up the riding crop and the blindfold. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I walked over to my Kitten.

"Put this on her, make sure it’s secure." I threw the blindfold at Mom as I took my place beside Dad.

Taking a leash from my mother, I fastened it to her collar. Whispering, I said, "You don't trust me yet, but I need you to do as I say Kitten; otherwise, he is going to take you to the club and let his men use you."

Facing the two way mirror, I forced my Kitten to her knees. Wrapping her hair in my hand, I tugged her head back, making her look up at me. My dick strained against the zipper of my pants as I saw her start to shake, her eyes now wide open. I could almost smell her fear as she knelt there, silently pleading for me to stop.

The look in her eyes only served to turn me on. I was gonna enjoy every second of it . I’m sorry, Kitten, this ain’t no fairytale, and I’m no Prince fucking Charming.

“Wha…?” Shaking my head as water was thrown over me brought me out of my dream. Scrubbing a hand over my face, my eyes adjusted to the bright lights that flickered overhead. “Was that really necessary? I was having a great dream. Phee had a starring role”

Standing over me, Logan nudged me with his boot. “I could ask you the same thing, cousin.”

There was something different about him, something in the way he stood. The look in his eyes, hard and unforgiving. His jaw was stiff as he loomed over me. It wouldn’t take much for his resolve to snap, but instinct told me I didn't want to push him today.

“What crawled up your arse and died?” I asked, biting back what I really wanted to say.

“Tell me, Kyle, why was my father so willing to help you out?” I didn’t know whether it was morbid curiosity on his part, or whether he was just trying to come to terms with the fact that his own father is just as fucked as the rest of us. “You must know exactly what he wanted with Phee. ”

“I don’t think you really want the answer to that question, Logan.” Telling him wouldn’t do any good. From everything I had picked up, he and his parents weren’t even on speaking terms, and I’d overheard numerous times as Stryker told him he was gunning for my uncle's blood. Just thinking about that made me chuckle. “Already told you Logan. Until I see my Kitten, you will get shit from me.”

“Your mother is dead.” His voice was cold, he didn’t even blink when he told me. “She went after Phee.”

“That’s not very funny, cousin.” I didn’t know whether he was being serious or not, I couldn’t get a read on him. Usually he was led by his emotions, but not today. Something was off. All I was focused on was the fact that he’d said my mom was dead. “There are some lines you just don’t cross.”

“What? Like what you did to her? And who said I was joking, either? She went after Phee.” I bit back my smile as he took a jab. I had to admire my cousin, Logan was becoming more measured when dealing with me. He was finally learning how to play his cards close to his chest. “She pulled a gun on her, there was a struggle, and it went off.”

That couldn’t be true. My mom would never do that, despite how much she hated my Kitten. She wouldn’t go after her with the intent to kill, and she wouldn’t have gone alone, either. “She wouldn’t go after Phee like that. What is this? Switch tactics to make me break?”

“I wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true Kyle,” Logan deadpanned.

“Guess she is lucky she’s dead then, and not my Kitten,” I shrugged. My cousin and I were more alike than he cared to admit. He didn’t seem all that upset over it. “Saves me having to do it when I’m set free.”

Chapter Thirty Nine - Phoenix

“If you don’t feel comfortable Phee, you just tell me and we’ll leave okay?” Stryker tried to reassure me, as we arrived at his house. The morning had been a repeat of last night several times over and as we were finally getting ready, Stryker received a call from his father requesting we come for lunch.

“So what exactly is it that we’re here for Stryker?” I asked him, nervously looking up at his home. I had so many questions after last night, but I didn’t know where to start. The most pressing one; How did everything get cleaned up and why haven’t we gone to the police?

“I will explain more once we’re inside,” Stryker pulled me into his arms as he tried to alleviate my concerns. Ever since I met him, Stryker has been a mystery, but I loved how much he was there for me even if it was a little too much at times.

Letting me go, he grabbed my hand and guided me up the front steps. His front yard was beautiful, there was a huge round pond in the middle of the drive filled with Koi. On either side of the front door were two large conifers shaped into long points. White rose bushes lined the front of the house, bringing back memories of when we’d visit my grandparents as a little girl. Their house in Tamworth had rose bushes around the entire porch.

Opening the front door, I’m hit with a sweet smell coming from the kitchen. It reminded me of the days mom and I would spend all day baking. Taking me by the hand, Stryker guided me to the kitchen, dancing around kitchen is a lady with a short auburn bob.

“Mom,” Stryker called out to the her, as he let go of my hand and made his way around they beautiful Caesar stone island.

“Oh you’re here,” His mom exclaimed rather excitedly, pulling her son in for a hug. It was clear to where he got his softer side from. His mother was adorable. Peering round her son, her eyes landed on me. “Well don’t be rude son, I didn’t bring you up like that, introduce me to the girl that stole your heart.”

I had to laugh at that. Watching as my Grey Eyes shifted uncomfortably as his mother chastised him. I don’t think I’d ever seen him this sheepish. Extending my hand I decided to give him a break.

“Hi Mrs Lennox, I’m Phoenix.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” You could hear the smile in her voice as she took me by the hand and pulled me into her embrace. I didn’t know what to make of her, she reminded me so much of my own mother, yet there were subtle differences. Her smell, they way she walked and most notably her bubbly personality. “And please call me Saoirse.”

“Mom, I’m gonna, show Phee around the house a little more,” Stryker never took his eyes off me as he addressed his mom, I guess he could sense I was feeling a little overwhelmed. “Call us when lunch is ready?”