Page 18 of Sinfully Devoted

“No can do Baby G. I only take my orders from D and you know that, so why don’t you just relax a little and lose the attitude,” Madden said unapologetically. As much as I loved having the guy there, the place had become a sausage fest.

A lot had changed since I was taken, and I think my being taken had triggered it. Damon had started to amass a little group of merry followers. Madden had met Damon at some bar; they had started talking, and ever since, they were joined at the hip. I swore, if it hadn’t been for the paper-thin walls and the borderline pornographic moaning from the girls each of them brought home, you would think they had the hots for each other, what with the amount of time they spent together.

“Screw you, Madden! Put me down, I can walk from here.” I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. If I were anywhere else, I probably would have screamed the place down, but I knew I was safe there and he was bloody lucky I had been working on coping techniques.

“Madz, put her down. If Stryker sees you manhandling her like that you’ll be sorry,” Damon boomed from behind me. I was carefully placed on the ground, but flanked by both Madden and Logan, as if they expected me to make a run for it. “Nice of you to grace us with your presence, Phee.”

The smart arse actually smirked at me as he placed the plates on the table. I couldn’t lie, the smell of lasagne that filled the room, coupled with the garlic bread, made my mouth water. But I was so pissed right then that I didn’t have much of an appetite.

“Come on, Phee, just sit down and eat; D worked for hours making this for us.” Logan nudged me toward the table where Damon and Madden had already taken their seats and started to dig in.

Growling my reply to Logan, I followed suit. It was easier to go along with Damon’s requests rather than fight with any of them over it. In front of me, Logan had served up my meal. Eyeing him warily, I began to eat. . . or really, push food around the plate as the others started talking. About halfway through, the conversation turned to me, and as I mhmm’d and nodded my way through it, it became clear they were up to something.

“So Madz and I have something going on tonight, so we’re leaving Logan in charge, ” Damon said matter-of-factly, almost like he was waiting for me to blow. “Try not to kill each other when we’re out, yeah?”

“I don’t need a babysitter, Damon. And why is he in charge anyway?” I couldn’t help myself, I had been growing tired of all the shit. It felt like I was being babysat twenty four- seven and it was really starting to grate on my nerves. “And when did you become besties with him?”

“He is in charge because he answers his phone when it’s called, and Phee, I know you’re struggling with all the changes, but please just try to do as I say tonight.” Damon gave me the “dare you to argue” look, and I already knew he wasn’t going to budge. I would need to get him alone to explain his reasoning, but that was hard to do these days.

“Yes Dad,” I mumbled my reply, and started to clear the table. It was a rule that whoever cooked, didn’t have to clean the kitchen. I was just thankful that he was a clean cook. If Damon was gonna head out, I’d do my chore, then hole myself up in my room for the rest of the night.

Logan brought the rest of the dishes over to the sink for me to wash, then proceeded to clear the rest of the table. As I finished up, he joined me at the sink and perched himself in the corner.

“So, you think you’re ready to come back to school?” he asked. I guessed this was his attempt at small talk. I had to hand it to him, he was persistent. Every time we saw each other, he would try to talk to me. “Everyone misses you there.”

I shrugged my shoulders as I put the dishes away. I missed school. Well, maybe not the actual learning part of things, but I missed hanging out with my friends. The girls had told me that everyone knew I had been found. That made me a little apprehensive to step into the halls with everyone’s eyes on me, reflecting back the pity they all held.

Finally finished, I placed the tea towel in its holder and turned to head back to my room. A hand shot out to stop me.

“Phee, please just talk to me,” Logan pleaded. As I glanced down at the hand, then back up to Logan, I narrowed my eyes at him. If he wanted me to talk, then he was going to tell me everything. I wasn’t going to pussyfoot around anymore.

I reached for his hand and twisted it, just like I’d learnt in my self-defence class, before backing him into the bench. If he thought I’d go easy on him, he had another thing coming. He knew better than to just touch me however he liked. He’d been on the receiving end of my wrath on more than one occasion, but clearly he was a slow learner.

“You want me to talk to you, Logan?” I let out a snide laugh, my heart and mind at war. “After all those times I pleaded with you to talk to me? That’s a laugh.”

“You’re right, I fucked up, but at least I’m trying now.” He didn’t seem to fight against me, just maintained eye contact, like he was trying to speak to the very depth of my soul. “I am trying. But what about you, Phee? Are you gonna keep hiding, or are you going to fight back?”

“I fight every fucking day, Logan.” I leaned down, and my lips brushed the shell of his ear as I growled my retort. I pushed off of him roughly and turned to walk away. Who the hell was he to tell me I didn’t fight?

Chapter Twenty - Kyle

“Fucking answer the goddamn question, asshole!” Smirking up at Stryker, I laughed internally. The longer I stayed quiet, the more it pissed the cocksucker off. I wasn’t about to make this easier for him, or any of the idiots for that matter. I knew eventually they would break and bring my Kitten to me. Secretly, I relished in the pain- fed off it, even.

Not able to hold it in any longer, I bent over in the chair they had me strapped to, and laughed, tasting the coppery tinge from the blood that coated my teeth. Its brought images of my Kitten back to me, the dried blood from my bites. I fucking missed her. Smiling, I egged him to punch me again. Little did they know, I’d been keeping a tally, and when I got free, I’d make them watch as I delivered retribution on my Kitten.

“Stryker, enough.” The frustrated tone of my cousin’s voice only made me laugh harder.

“You’re both fucking jokes. Can’t even use torture properly to get someone to talk,” I mocked. Each and every single one of these fuckers were weak. None of them knew anything about torture or interrogation. Raising his fist, Stryker went to swing at me, only to have Logan stop him mid-swing. Sad really, cause out of all of them, jockstrap would probably be the one to do the job properly.

“He’s enjoying this. The more frustrated you get, the bigger kick he gets out of it.” I had to admire my cousin as he tried to reason with his friend. There was so much venom in his gaze that he’d be able to kill a small village. “He’s just egging you on, and at this rate, we’ll never get any answers.”

“Don’t really fucking care at the moment, man,” Stryker snarled as he tried to yank free without much success. Kneeling down in front of me, he picked up the knife he’d dropped earlier in the day and pointed it at me. “This psycho put Phee in the hospital. He fucking broke her, beat the shit out of her, he fucking scared her.”

What he said couldn’t be true. They must have been speaking about another girl. There was no way I’d hurt her that badly. She was going to be my wife, bear my children, yet they kept hinting that I had injured her severely. Cocking my head, I listened as they argued. I tugged on the restraints that bit into my skin. I tried to remember my last night with her; all I remembered from that night was the feeling of utter heaven as her cunt squeezed my dick.

“And when she’s ready, we will help her heal, but beating him to a bloody pulp isn’t gonna get us what we need.” Always the negotiator, Logan tried again to reason with the jockstrap. “We all agreed that it’s her decision when it comes to this fucker- it’s her decision on what to do with him. He’s taken so much from her already, don’t take away her right to get justice, her ability to make him pay. If you do, then you’re no better than he is.”

It was the way Logan said it that hit me hard. The pure hate that laced his voice as he gestured in my direction, without even making eye contact, that fucking hurt. He had dismissed me just like everyone else did. I never thought he’d have it in him, but the hatred that rolled off him in that moment was like a tidal wave. Engulfing everything in its path. Had it been directed to anyone else, I’d have been there in the background, cheering him on. But not this time, no, because this time it was all aimed at me.