Page 35 of Sinfully Devoted

“When do I need to give you an answer?” It was a lot to take in, and I needed time to process it all. To talk to the others. Not having to really associate with the other members didn’t make it seem that bad, although there would still be risk. The fact that I could work out of the beach house had me seriously considering it.

Minutes ticked by as I waited for his reply. The buzzing of his phone on the desk pulled him out of his thoughts. Checking his phone, Damon looked like he was deep in thought. Like he was trying to find a way to tell me something.

“I know what we’re asking of you is a lot to take in,” Madden was the one to finally break the silence. Looking between the two of us, he continued, “But time isn’t on our side here.”

“When you left Phee at the house, did anything seem strange?” Damon interrupted as he got up from his seat. Something about the way he moved through the room had me on alert.

“No, not really.” Getting up, I checked my phone. Nothing. But that wasn’t anything unexpected, considering they all knew I was coming to see Damon. “Why? What's going on? Is Phee okay?”

“It could be nothing, but I think we need to get back to the house.” He headed out the door, and I got up and followed. There was something in the way he had said it that had me on edge. I should have just waited for Stryker before I left her. “And Jonah, don’t take too long to think about it. I want your answer by the end of the week.”

Chapter Thirty Eight – Kyle

It's been three days since I took her. She’d been asleep for two of them. Sitting back and watching her was painful, something within her kept calling to me, begging me to take her. But I couldn’t just yet.

“No, Kitten, when I finally take you, it will be on my terms.” Talking to the monitor, I switched to the camera I had on the beach house. When I wasn't watching her, I watched my cousin and the boys she called hers. The chaos that ensued when the others came back to find my Kitten gone was hilarious. Logan looked defeated as he told them how he was too late and couldn't save her.

When the police showed up, I couldn't hold in the laughter any longer. They were scrambling to find traces of her, and I sat back watching the shit show unfold, knowing they wouldn't find any. They were losing their minds, even the guy she lived with was going out of his mind. I had to watch them closely, none of them had stopped looking. It's why I told the guy to hold off getting rid of my SUV.

Today was crucial to her training. My parents were coming, and they were bringing people. All wanted to see the progress I’d made. I knew they wouldn't be happy with the methods I’d chosen to take, but that's because the difference between her training and Taylah's was that Phee is going to be my wife. She wasn't going to be used by people in the club, but it didn't mean I wouldn't use it as a threat if I needed to, though.

Getting up, I made my way to her room. I wanted to make sure she was ready to present to Mom and Dad. I had the prettiest little number picked out. I didn’t really care if people looked at my Kitten, hell, I couldn’t care if they fucking jerked off all over her tits. As long as they kept their dicks out of her holes, everything would be fine.

Walking into my training room, the last person I thought I would see was my father. He and Mom had always disagreed with me choosing Phoenix for my wife. I actually think he was hoping that I’d throw her into the pool for his clientele to use and abuse. Just like I know my uncle wanted. He’s made no secret that he felt I should be looking for someone that I don't have a past with, but the beauty he is currently standing over called to my soul.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I bit out. I didn’t want him, or my uncle, anywhere near her. Their methods didn’t align with mine. As much as I was a monster, I could never do what either of them did.

"Making this transition period easier for you, son," he goaded, stepping aside for me to see what he’d done. Set up on the table next to them was a baggy of white powder and a syringe.

"For fuck’s sake, Dad, I told you I didn't want to get her hooked on that shit." I was angry, walking over to her, and I untied her bindings. I got that that's how he trained the whores he sold, but shit, this was gonna be the mother of my kids. That shit had a way of fucking up everything.

"Don't pick her up, son. Trust me." There was something about the way he said it that had me stopping in my tracks. "Your mother and I have allowed you to keep this bitch, despite everything she has put us all through; but until she's fully trained, you will listen to me. And don’t worry, the powder isn’t what you think, it’s just roofies I crushed up.”

"Don't you listen, Dad? I didn't want your help with this." I got in my father’s face. Why must he make it so goddamn hard? I never wanted this path, and now I will have to make sure she doesn’t react badly to the roofies.

"No, son, you're the one not listening," he barked at me, grabbing my arm, and dragging me over to a chair, one that I knew was not there that morning when I left her. "I had an interesting conversation with my brother today, and do you know what he told me?"

"No, Dad, what did Uncle Max have to say?" Like I really cared. Max only cared for one thing—his bottom line. I saw how he would stand over her at night, playing with himself. It was another driving reason I had to move quicker, and now that I had my Kitten here, I could protect her from everyone.

"Apparently your cousin and the rest of her boyfriends have banded together; they have a lead to her whereabouts." Coming around behind me, he slapped restraints over my arms and legs.

"The fuck are you doing?" I pulled against the restraints. The glint in his eyes told me all I needed to know. The last time this had happened I was a kid and the woman he was about to play with was some unsuspecting runaway. I knew what was to come, I needed to save her the same fate. "Don't you fucking dare. She's mine, Dad. I gave you the other one. Phoenix belongs to me."

"And I never said I was going to fuck her, son. I'm just speeding up the training a bit." He walked over to where she laid, leaning down and ripping the shirt I had dressed her in off her body. "You’re a disappointment, son. She hasn't earned the right to cover up. I thought I taught you better than that."

Motioning to the camera, he walked over and pulled out a few toys from the drawers in the corner. Setting them out on the table in front of me, the sinister smirk that had formed on his face told me I had to think fast.

“Everyone is seated and ready to watch,” my mom told Dad as she walked into the room. She smiled at him as she drew the curtain that covered the two way mirror back. I had to play this smart. If they were all watching, it meant he had planned this, and nothing I did would change his mind. He had something up his sleeve and he didn’t want me interfering.

"Help me get her up, my dear," he barked at Mom as she made her way over to Phoenix. Grabbing her by the arms, they dragged her across the room to where I was seated.

"You will thank me for this, son. Trust me, the next few hours are all we will need before she is obeying your every whim."

Picking up a vibrator, circling around her, he started rubbing it over my Kitten's panties. There was no build-up with him, no easing into his brand of torture. No, I knew exactly what he had in mind for her, and it wasn’t not pretty. I’d seen this over and over when he trained his new pets.

“Stop!” I yelled at him. I couldn’t let him do this to her. That type of shit was too soon, and she wasn’t ready. I knew there was a room full of sick old bastards hungrily watching. I needed to take control, fast. If she had to break, then I would be the one to do it. “If anyone is going to break her in, it’s gonna be me.”

"You know the reasons why we use drugs when we train the girls. it's faster than breaking them. You can also use them to break them after they become submissive." Standing behind my Kitten, he roughly tore her panties off. She didn’t even flinch at his actions, but then again, she wasn't responding to much, as her head lolled and her eyes glazed over.