Page 34 of Sinfully Devoted

“I can’t tell you how many times I have dreamt of burying myself inside you, Phee.” Looking down at me, he continued his slow, torturous assault. His piercings rubbed against me in all the right places. “It’s better than any dream.”

Slowly he started to move, his eyes never leaving mine as he leaned down, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down my spine, straight to my clit, as he nuzzled that sweet spot on my neck.

“More, I need more,” I moaned, tugging his head up and pulling him in. I started to kiss him, hungrily. His fingers were digging into my hips as his grip tightened.

Holding one leg against his hip, he started to pick up the pace, slamming into my pussy hard every few thrusts, going deeper.

“Harder,” I cried out. I didn’t want sweet right now, I needed rough and raw. Expertly teasing, coaxing me to the edge but never letting me fall. Stryker was in full control. Just as I thought he was about to let me fly; he withdrew. The empty feeling made me feel hollow as he flipped me over, before slamming right back into my greedy pussy.

“Oh god, yes,” I panted breathlessly, our eyes locking as we stared at each other in the mirror. This new position made everything feel that much more explosive. With one hand on the small of my back, pushing me down onto the vanity, his other hand reached around, finding my throbbing clit. The slightest touch sent stars flickering into my vision.

The pressure released, explosively as he started jack hammering into me from behind, both of us sailing over the edge of the cliff. My body shook with the force of my orgasm as his thrusts started to slow. Pulling me to his chest, he just held me, placing soft kisses over my neck and shoulder. I would have given anything to stay wrapped in that feeling.

Chapter Thirty Seven - Jonah

I hated leaving Phee alone at the beach house, but Damon had called on our way home, asking for me to meet him at the garage, telling me that she would be fine alone for a few minutes. Over the last few weeks, things had started to fall back into place. Phee had returned to school, and was back in the studio at night .

She preferred to dance when no one else was around, claimed it was when she felt the most free. We all knew that wasn’t the actual reason though. Even at school, you could tell the stares were getting to her, but the studio was a smaller space and that meant it wasn’t as easy for her to escape the looks from the other students. It didn’t really bother me though, watching her glide over the dance floor was like watching a masterpiece being painted.

The drive to the garage was short, and when I pulled into the parking lot, it was like any other day, except for the noticeable increase in motorcycles parked at the rear. Locking my Impala, I made my way through the glass entry into reception. The smell of grease mixed with cheap air freshener assaulted my senses.

“Hey, Sugar,” Marley greeted me from behind the reception desk, flashing me her perfect smile. Always impeccably dressed, her looks were lost in a place like this. “You after Damon?”

“Hi, Marley, yeah. Is he in?” I smiled back. Marley and I had known each other for years, but never really hung out. She’d started working at the garage when her dad had passed away the year before. From what I’d heard throughout town, it was only supposed to be temporary, but a year on and she’d dropped out of school and was working there full time.

“Yeah, he’s with a customer right now, but head on into the office, he shouldn’t be too much longer.” She motioned for me to exit through the door behind her. She was a nice girl, just sad, and she’d given up so much. “Can I get you anything while you wait?”

“Nah, I’m good, but thanks for asking.” Giving her a wave, I made my way out back to the offices. The smell of cigarette smoke hit me hard as I entered Damon’s office. Once inside, my eyes were drawn to the various pictures hanging on the wall. From Choppers to cruisers, it was a shrine to Harley Davidson. No surprise really, all things considered. I chuckled at the calendar hanging from the filing cabinet though. If the girls saw that, he’d never live it down.

“What are you laughing at, man?” Damon slapped me on the shoulder as he walked past. Taking a seat at the desk, he pointed to one of the chairs in front.

“Kittens and puppies?” I snorted, taking a seat, and turned to him. “Didn’t take you for the rainbows and roses type, D’.”

“Neither did we, J,” Madden added from his perch against the door. Entering the room, he closed the door behind him and leaned up against the file cabinet, thumbing through the calendar. “He’s become soft since he took in Phee.”

“I wouldn’t say soft, but his edges aren’t as pointy anymore,” I jested. Damon sat there scowling at the both of us. Madden was an okay guy, although I hadn’t gotten to know him as well as I’d have liked. “So, why’d you want to see me?”

“I want to float something by you.” Damon leaned back in his chair, shooting Madden a look before he continued. “You know my past, yeah, and what my father does back in Australia? ”

I nodded in confirmation. Damon had opened up to Stryker and I, when Phee had moved in with him. Being the son of a biker, he’d been tasked to look after her when her father saved his father’s life. I was curious, though, why he’d bring it up now. I knew he had amassed a little following here with the help of Madden, but why would they need me?

“Well, I’ve decided to start a chapter here. I’m dropping the Deadly part of the name though and just calling it The Scorpions.” He drummed his fingers on the desk in front of him, as he studied me for a minute. “You’re highly skilled in computers, J’. What you’re able to do in a few seconds, takes some of the guys days.”

“Thanks, man, but why am I really here?” The compliment was fine, but I had a suspicion that he’d had other things in mind when he asked me here. Stryker had mentioned joining forces with me, but my research on his family had dug up some shit I wasn’t comfortable with.

“We want you to join us, Jonah.” Madden deadpanned as he dropped into the chair next to mine. Pointing to Damon, he went on. “What D' is getting at is that we have a need for someone of your skill set. And we want you. Look, I’ll level with you, man. This life isn’t always a lucrative one, and you know damn well it’s not a clean one, but we have each other’s backs.”

“Phee needs your help, man,” Damon added. Everyone knew I’d walk through fire for that girl, and the guilty look on his face told me he knew exactly what he was doing using her as a bargaining chip. “You know damn well Stryker has his family to bring to the table. Logan, well, that guy would move heaven and earth if it meant he got her in the end. Plus, we want to put him at the head of the Lords once all this is done and dusted. You joining us would mean she would never be without someone to keep her safe.”

Playing on the insecurities I had developed was low, even for Damon. “When you say join, what do you mean, exactly?”

I wanted more clarification, I needed it. I didn’t know exactly what being part of his “crew” meant, but I couldn’t say that deep down it wasn’t appealing, especially if it meant added protection for my Angel.

“I mean, I want you here using your computer skills to help the Scorpions. I want you here to help strengthen relationships between the Lords, the Lennoxs and us. More importantly, we need you.” Damon didn’t mince his words, and the more he spoke, the more appealing his offer became. “I won’t sugar coat this, J’. This life isn’t easy, as Madden said, it’s dangerous at times, and it's damn well deadly, but we protect our own.”

“What exactly would my role be?” I needed to know exactly what they were asking of me. My knowledge on bikers was limited, and by that I meant limited to television shows like Sons of Anarchy, and those guys were crazy as fuck.

“Don’t sweat your pretty little head over it, J’. I’m not gonna ask you to go out there shooting up the joint.” It was as if Damon had read my thoughts, and knew what I was thinking. I’d never held a gun, and I had no intention of ever doing that. I didn’t even like the fact that Phee had been learning to use one. “All I’m asking you to do is tech stuff. Monitor people of interest, comings and goings, accounts, that sort of stuff. We can have you set up at the beach house. That way you wouldn’t have to come to the club house unless it was really needed.”