Page 36 of Deadly Scorpion


Pain radiated from my shoulder, I knew going into tonight that Blaze had changed the plan, he assured me he’d told the others of the change and after much apprehension I’d agreed to it. But fuck me, even though it was a blank I’d been shot with it fucking hurt like a bitch and I hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Anarchy had descended over the fight ring. It was enough of a distraction that no one noticed Alexander Ducane had made his way over one of the exits. Playing dead and stuck in this tiny cage, there was nothing I could do.

Everyone was out to save themselves, they were running for the exits as the guards and security tried to round them all up. Some were trying to fight their way out, while others were resigned to the fact they’d been caught and put up little resistance.

Towards the middle of the ring I could see Damon and Eric going at one another. The look on Damon’s face fucking scared the shit out of me. Max Ducane had disappeared into the chaos and the other backers were trying to run down the same corridor I watched Alexander disappear down.

“Paige, these guys are going to get you out, I have a car ready to take you to a safe house,” Blaze knelt down to unlock my prison. In all the chaos, I hadn’t noticed he’d made his way to me. “I have to make it look like I’m trying to save you. The ambulance is real, but once you’re out of the immediate vicinity you’ll swap cars. I need you to go with them, don't stop until you are safe, I’ll try to make sure Damon gets to you soon.”

He then leaned down and started to fuss about like he was doing CPR. I don’t know how long he followed the charade, it felt like everything was stuck on fast forward. Once they loaded me onto a gurney, we were off. His agents wheeling me through one of the locker rooms and out of the emergency exit and loading me into a waiting ambulance.