Page 33 of Deadly Scorpion


We’d been here for an hour and already I was ready to get out of here, unfortunately Alexander had other plans. The asshole had spent the last thirty minutes talking to some of his other backers and from the little I could make out, something had them scared. More than a few wanted to pull out, stating they wanted nothing to do with whatever revenge plan he had cooked up.

Hearing that, I could only surmise that either my family or Damon had figured out the other parties involved and had applied some pressure. It gave me some hope that all was not lost and a small amount of satisfaction that Eric was full of shit—my family did care. I still hadn’t been able to make contact with Damon, and Blaze had been busy playing his part, schmoozing the others that shared the VIP balcony, always making sure I was within his reach.

Security had been beefed up tonight as well, many of whom I didn’t recognise, although that wasn’t hard given I’d barely been allowed to leave the room I’d been held in. These guys were different though, more put together. They all appeared to move in sync and every so often when they thought no one was looking they’d talk to themselves. Smart move on Blaze’s part to infiltrate the security with his own men, but stupid of him at the same time.

“Blaze it’s time,” Alexander called out, the way he smiled like all his christmases had come at once, made my stomach roll. “And make sure you put on a little show for our guests. I want them to have something to truly fight for tomorrow.”

Blaze just nodded then grabbed me by my arm and led me out of the room. I knew that Damon would be in the crowd somewhere, watching and waiting for an opportunity to reach me, or at least I’d hoped he would be, I just didn’t know where we stood after everything.

I knew he’d watched the live stream, and a part of me died a little knowing he’d seen what went down. It hadn’t even been twenty four hours and I was still processing the event of the night before, switching between self pity to disgust. I felt dirty and used but I couldn’t let how much it affected me show, it would give the motherfucker behind this sick escapade great satisfaction if he knew, so I internalized and shut off that part of me allowing the numbness to take hold. I’d deal with it once it was over.

It was a short walk to the main stage, and from our place in the wing, I could hear the roar of the crowd die down to a dull murmur. Their attention clearly now on the room we’d just left.

“It will be alright Paige,” Blaze tried to reassure me, although his words didn’t hold much weight after the last time, I’d become resentful of his presence. Last night's actions had obliterated any trust that had started to build. “I won’t push the boundaries as far tonight, I know you’re worried about Damon, and frankly so am I.”

“So what are you going to do?” I asked cautiously, it wouldn’t matter what he told me, I knew either way I wasn’t going to like it. I just either had to grin and bare it or act out which would mean a punishment dealt out for all to see.

“I was thinking, a small hand job and maybe if you’re prepared to allow it,” He paused for a moment as we heard Alexander come over the loudspeaker welcoming everyone and informing them of what was to come. He seemed hesitant to continue but after a second he composed himself. “You will let me touch you.”

“As in,” I started before he stopped me.

“Yes as in I would finger fuck you.”

“Cause that’s going to go down well with Damon here,” the words just slipped out, I couldn’t help it. This was going to be bad on all counts, no matter how you looked at it, someone would end up leaving here tonight hurting, somewhere deep inside I knew that person would be me.

The crowd roared again, which was his cue to enter the stage. Once we’d been locked in the cage, I was able to get a better look at the crowd. Almost immediately my eyes zeroed in on one of the booths that had a birds eye view of where I was now locked. A set of hard crystal blues stared back at me and my heart sunk. Some club skank hung off him, rubbing herself all over his body. I knew we both had parts to play but it didn’t ease the sting.

“I don’t think I can go through with this Blaze,” I whispered to him, almost pleading to think of something else. I was fighting my own body, the burn of unshed tears stung my eyes, all I wanted to do was crawl away somewhere and like the wounds that had left me raw, laid bare for the world to see.

“We don’t have a choice here Paige.” His voice was lower as he scanned the room, he followed my gaze and knew immediately where my apprehension was coming from. “I know you’re worried but I promise you I’ll help you explain everything once this is all finished.”

With that said he walked over to the chaise and sat down, clicking his fingers at me to follow. Once I was standing in front of him, he grabbed my arm and yanked me down. Leaned forward and whispered to me. “Do what you need to to get through the next half hour, after that you’ll be here on your own, no one will be able to touch you and but your friends will be able to talk to you.” Then he showed me the little mic and receiver he placed under the throw pillow.

So for the next thirty minutes I did what I was told, I escaped into my mind and went into autopilot, responded like they wanted me to and played my part. I could feel my skin crawl and more than once had to stop the urge to throw up, but there would be no early escape for me tonight. After Blaze cleaned himself up, he did as he said.

“There is a comms system tucked between the cushions, you will be able to talk to your people through it, when you leave make sure you grab it.” He leaned forward and whispered in my ear then turned, left the cage and went to mingle with the crowd.

I’d been left alone to wallow in my thoughts. I watched as the mostly male crowd touched and played with the girls that Alexander had supplied for the night. The laughs and giggles made me feel sick and dirty, as much as I tried not to, I couldn’t help but look over at the booth where my Damon was.

Through the haze of the encompassing numbness I could do nothing but watch as he played with the skank from earlier, all while he watched me for a reaction. I schooled my face and returned a blank stare.

“You know he is only doing that to get a rise out you?” Madden's whisper came through the tiny receiver. I turned to find him watching me as I watched Damon and the skank going for it in front of me.

“Why would I even fucking care?” Trying to hide the hurt that had taken up residence inside me. If he wanted to catch something from a club whore just to prove something that was on him, I knew it would be hard to watch on as I played my role but that was no excuse. “Sounds like a him problem not a me problem.”

Turning away, I scanned the room for the rest of my crew. I found Teirnan at the bar. I knew Laoise wouldn’t have come, there was no way he’d put her in danger. I also noticed a few of my uncles men in the crowd, although it gave more credence to Damon’s word that he was actually working with my family on this, I wondered just how much he wanted to at this point. The only one I didn’t see was Cian.

“Where’s Cian?” I asked Madden, meeting his stare. He flashed me his panty melting smile and it made me scoff. There was no denying that Madden was a fine specimen. The guy knew he was sex on a stick and he definitely knew how to use his charm to get what he wanted. Unfortunately for him, I also knew that it was his go to when he wanted to distract you from something important.

“That’s a story for another day Paige,” he said as he smiled back at me, but it didn’t quite meet his eyes. His attempt to distract me from the scene unfolding next to him was honorable, but now I just had a soundtrack to go with the show Damon was putting on.

“Cut the crap Madz,” I called him on his shit, he wasn’t using his charm on me, I wanted answers and somehow I’d find a way to get them.

“I can’t tell you here Paige, we all have a role to play tonight but I promise I’ll fill you in after we get you out.” He said in a serious tone. He sat up and leaned forward and motioned his head towards Damon. “I won’t let him go too far Paige, I know the guilt will eat at him later for this, just try not to find more than there really is.”

Behind me I heard the lock to the cage click, then Blaze was in front of me.