Page 24 of Deadly Scorpion


After what seemed like hours, I’d finally called it a day and headed back to the motel that had now become our base. Every muscle within my body ached, I needed a distraction for sure but nothing helped for long. My mind would always run back to the moments that Paige and I would steal. Every knowing side glance, the secret dates. Time and I were not friends.

Paige’s feisty attitude, at first, had really gotten on my nerves. The way she acted at times, had me wanting to throw her over my knee. The more time we spent together, the more she grew on me. I can’t remember when everything started to change but I do remember the night that cemented the way I felt about this girl, and from that point forward we couldn’t get enough of each other.

“When I get you back Princess, everyone is gonna know who you belong to,” I muttered to myself, frustrated as the anger crept back in. I was fueled by anger, and it wasn’t helped by the constant dull ache that now resided in my heart.

The knock at my door pulled me from my thoughts. “You got a minute Prez?” Ax asked as he walked into my room and placed my dinner on the table. He looked wary, which wasn’t like him. He was usually a confident cocky fucker that wasn’t really phased by anything, but just one look said there was something heavy weighing on his mind.

“Yeah wassup Ax?” I asked and gestured for him to join me at the table. He nodded, and closed the door to my room before he sat down. “Thanks for grabbing dinner tonight.”

“No problem Prez,” he said, there was something in his tone that made me sit up. Ax sighed before he continued. “How well do you know Cian?”

“Me personally, not all that well, I know he works for the Lennox’s, and I can only assume that Paige trusted him enough to have him involved in all this,” my answer was honest, however something had been nagging at me ever since I’d arrived in Claymore. “Ax is there something that I need to know?”

“I dunno, but as you know I’d been teamed up with him,” Ax started with his concerns. I had purposely split the three Lennox contacts up, not because I thought to suspect they were being shady but because they’d all had knowledge about the area, and possible places that they could have been keeping Paige. “Well I’ve been talking to the other brothers Prez, and there have been some things that have made me question whether or not he has been legit with us.”

“Okay,” My voice was laden with suspicion now, making me want to get to the bottom of this. Ax hadn’t been the first person to approach and raise this concern to me, Laoise had done the same thing the previous morning before we had all left and had opened up about her concerns too. “If there is something I need to know Ax spill it, because he knows everything that is going on at this point.”

“Damon I believe he knows more than he is letting on, or could quite possibly have played a part in Paige’s abduction.” My eyes snapped to him immediately, Ax wasn’t one to sugar coat things, he was a straight shooter and although he came across as a nice guy most of the time, Ax had a mean temper and if you crossed one of his brothers he’d make you pay for it. “I think we need to dig into his background further, something doesn’t quite stack up.”

With what Laoise had already told me, and now Ax coming to me with his own concerns, that feeling in my gut I’d had since arriving, I knew he was right. Cian was more involved in this than we knew. We just had to find the link.

“You’re not the first person to raise this with me,” I finally admitted. I trusted Ax with my life, he wouldn’t have been my enforcer if I didn’t. “Tell me everything Ax, if he is involved we need to neutralize the bastard now before he has more time to share our plans.”

“He hasn’t had much time away from any of our guys Prez,” Ax offered up, obviously able to read my unease, I’d been fucking stupid enough to discuss a lot of our plans openly, fuck he even knew about the undercover agent we’d been in contact with. “As soon as I started having my doubts I made sure there was a Scorpion with him twenty-four seven.”

“Yeah but he knows enough to land two people in a whole fuck load of pain, if certain information were to get out.” I confessed, there was an uneasy feeling that had started to settle in my gut, as much as I didn't want to admit it to myself, I knew I'd be devastated if anything were to happen to Paige. “Okay, make sure he is never alone, I don’t care how you do it but he is not to leave anyone’s sight. I’m gonna make the calls needed to get the info. If he is a mole inside the Lennox Family then we need to shut the shit down now.”

Dinner was about to be forgotten, but that was fine. I'd come back to it later, it was more important to ensure all our safety at this point. I had calls to make and the first would be to Killian himself to broach this subject. Then to my tech guy, Jonah would be able to get everything I needed quicker than anyone else.


“Yeah Prez,” he replied as I started typing a message.

“I need you to get Madden to find us a new hotel,” My order was final, if Cian was truly compromised than this place could be too, we needed somewhere new, and truth be told a place that didn't have as many sketchy characters coming and going at all hours.