Page 4 of Recruiting Curves


“Hey,did you mean all that stuff back there?” I ask once we’re about halfway up the trail. “About me being the total package and stuff.”

I have to know. We’ve danced around each other back at the station, our gazes catching every once in a while, and I always felt like he was interested, but I also don’t know what taking that interest to a new level would do to our working relationship either. And I really don’t know if he’s single, and I’m not one to make moves on another woman’s man.

Jenkins takes a deep breath, as though he’s searching for just the right words. “Yeah. I mean, from what I know of you. You’ve always seemed leaps and bounds beyond your age, kind of an old soul. You know what you want out of life, and you just go for it. This isn’t an easy job, and I’ve seen plenty of women decide it just wasn’t for them. But you never gave up. I was impressed.” He smiles and I swear I look back to find him staring at my ass. “And I don’t think you needed me to tell you you’re good looking. I’m sure you own a mirror.”

I’m happy Jenkins is a few feet behind me as a rush of crimson heat washes over my face. I’ve had a secret, massive crush on him since we met. I remember the day I started my training and was introduced to all the guys. Jenkins was the sweet one. He was the only one who didn’t give me a hard time about being a woman. He said it’d be nice to have some feminine energy around and that women add a diversity to the team that helps it from becoming a sausage fest of men. That last part was a little eye rolling, but it’s not untrue.

And I guess it makes more sense now that I know he finds me attractive.

I wonder if he’d ask me out if it wasn’t for us being coworkers. Above all, he’s my senior at the station, it’d be completely inappropriate for either of us to make a move. I sigh, knowing the reality is that. No matter how much I like him, nothing romantic will come to fruition between us.

“Getting tired?” he asks.

“Sorry?” I’m in my own world and not sure I heard him right.

“Just sounded like a big exhale. Are you feeling a bit winded? I told you these trails were rough.”

“Oh, no, I’m good. Hey, since we’re getting to know each other on a more personal level, do you have a girlfriend? Or wife?”

He pauses. “Nah, just a cat. This job doesn’t make it easy to maintain a relationship. When you work as much as we do, people don’t want to stick around. Most people aren’t cool being alone all the time when they’re in a relationship. Makes sense, just kind of sucks.”

“What’s your cat’s name?”

“Simon,” he offers quickly.

I cringe. “Jenkins, I’m sorry.”

He chuckles. “I’m kidding, Tate. My cat’s name is Soots because he’s black.”

I take a big step down onto another trail. “That’s cute. You even have work on your mind at home.”

“Hey! Hey, over here!” a woman screams, breaking in, but we are on duty. She’s waving her arms frantically up ahead.

“I think we’ve found Simon’s owner,” I mumble.

We head over and check it out. Jenkins and I work together, me scaling the cliffside downwards until I get to Simon and can wrap him in a harness, and then Jenkins pulling us both back up.

“Oh my gosh, my baby! Thank you both so much.” The woman’s eyes fill with tears. “Come here, big guy!”

I unstrap Simon as the woman crouches down and opens her arms wide, but Simon runs right past her and takes off down the trail, whimpering.

Jenkins and I watch, confused, as the woman takes off, scurrying down the mountainside while fighting to keep her balance. The two make it around some trees and are out of sight in a matter of seconds, back toward the parking lot.

I gather up the rope. “What the heck was all that abo—?”

Jenkins puts a hand up to silence me, sniffing the air. “Do you smell that?”

I take a deep breath in, my nostrils tingling. “Smoke.”

“And you know what they say…”

Where there’s smoke…

“Come on,” Jenkins says, sprinting up the trail, “There’s a fire nearby.”