Page 2 of Recruiting Curves


We parkthe truck and start making our way up the main trail. Scarlet Springs is known for its almost too perfect mountain. The hiking and skiing attract tourists and locals alike. The flora and fauna attract researchers. And for those of us in emergency services, it’s definitely one of our biggest sources of work.

“Think we should split up? We could cover more ground and should have a better chance of finding which trail they’re on.” She suits up with climbing gear while finishing clicking into mine.

I shake my head. “These trails can get steep and unforgiving, Tate. It’s easy enough to get lost or find yourself headed ass-first down the mountainside if you’re not careful.” I do everything I can not to look at her backside as she leans over to fix something, but it’s useless. The woman has the curves that I enjoy on a woman, and I’ve been thinking thoughts that would make my grandmother blush ever since we headed out from the station. I clear my throat to reset my brain—the one in my head and the one in my pants. “I think it’s best if we just stick together and do what we can. We can always call in a couple team members to help, if we don’t find them in a couple hours.”

She nods and I admire the thoughtful look on her face. Even though she’s new to the team, Meadow aced her training and she’s more than capable of handling anything that comes our way. That being said, I’m the senior one here and thus responsible for her. I can’t have her getting lost or injured on her first day. It’ll be my ass on the line if that happens, and mine ass is not pretty or able to take another ding on my record.

“Okay. I guess we should make our way up the main trail then.” She pulls out her phone and clicks on a folder that has the trail pamphlets. “There’s a few smaller trails that branch off though. How do we know which ones to search?”

“The main trail loops about halfway up the mountain and then circles back down. The owner said that she and Simon made it almost all the way up before he slipped off a cliffside and landed on a platform below.”


“Yeah. The dog.”

“She named her dog Simon? Who names a dog Simon?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. What do you have against the name Simon?”

“Nothing, I guess. Just seems like an odd choice for a dog.”

“I dunno, I think it’s fine. No different than any other name, right?”

Firefighters rarely have dogs as pets. We’re gone for too long to have them unless we have partners who can let them out. Cats, sure. And I have one, but they give no fucks when people are gone, but dogs would be too lonely. My cat even ignores me when I’m home. I have to search him out to make sure he’s still alive and even then, he’ll pretend he could care less.

“You’re right. I don’t know what’s up with me. I think I have some jitters.”

I still and look her in the eye. “It’s normal. Don’t worry, we’ve got this.”

“I know. I just want to do a good job.”

I check her lines and hand her a flashlight to add to her blet. “And you will.”

She looks up with those big blue eyes. “Thanks, Jenkins.”

“Anytime…Tate.” I want to tell her to call me by name, so maybe she’ll let me call her by hers. Meadow. She’s just that…fresh, clean, and almost delicate like wildflowers that grow in the Scarlet Springs Mountain meadow.

I adjust some of her rigging, my hand brushing over the outside of her breast. There are lines when it comes to touching, but safety trumps the majority of them.

She takes in a deep breath and swallows. There’s a tingle in the air of something and I’m trying to fight it. I know how I feel when she’s around, but I also know how I shouldn’t feel. Tempting fate, I reach up and push a piece of blonde hair from her eyes. Her mouth drops open slightly and flicks out to wet her bottom lip. I wonder how sweet her tongue is.

Strawberry sweet?

Vanilla sweet?

Cotton candy sweet?

I back away and let out a long breath. “Everything looks in order.”

“Okay, let’s get going. The sooner we get going, the sooner we can get this over with and get back to the station.”

“You got plans with your boyfriend later or something?” I try to deflect and yet, my ulterior motives to find out her situation are rolling in my head. She’s going to be at the station for twenty-four hours, but I can’t help but want to know.

“What? No.” Her voice is slightly sharp and defensive. “Why?”

“I dunno. You just seem in a hurry.”