Page 70 of The Devil You Know

Nodding, I pick up a box and walk with Tatum across the bustling quad. “I saw you making a friend.”

“Yeah.” Tate ducks her head. “She’s an education major and seemed cool. It’s not as hard to talk to people as I thought it would be.”

I angle a lopsided smirk at her. “It was good we didn’t get here when you wanted, or you wouldn’t have met her. See? It’s good to ease up on planning out every aspect of your day-to-day life.”

“I guess.” She sighs. “But I like knowing what to expect.”

“CV! Yo, what’s up, man?”

The guy calling my name from one of the dorm buildings we pass jogs to close the short distance between us. He nods to Tatum with his chin, then shoots me a knowing smirk. Yeah, I know my MO. Adorable freshman, check. Move in day heavy lifting help, check. He thinks I’ll have her in my bed tonight. I want that, but not for the reasons he thinks.

“Hi,” she greets, sticking out her hand like it’s a job interview. “I’m Tatum.”

“‘Sup, babe. I’m Matt.” His attention shifts back to me. “We going to see you on the court? The guys are already picking our schedule from last year back up.”

I shake my head, putting down the box in my arms. “When I can make it, I’ll be there. We’ve got a study schedule worked out for the semester. I’ve got to buckle down this year instead of coasting.”

Matt laughs. “Studying? You?” His gaze slides to Tate and he eyes her appreciatively. “You’ve got to tell me where to find the cute tutors then, because that’s the only way to get my ass in the library.”

I frown, fighting the surge of annoyance. He’s a good guy, but too much like the player I used to be. “Tatum’s not my tutor, man. She’s my girlfriend.”

“My bad.” He turns to her. “I didn’t mean anything by it. CV isn’t the long term type.”

A sharp burn stings my chest until her soft voice cuts through it.

“People change. For the right person, anyone can be,” she says.

“Word, girl.” Matt holds up his hand for a high five. She waits a beat before clapping her palm against his. “Aight, I’ll catch you guys later.”

“He seems like a real charmer,” she says once he saunters off. “I’m sorry if my schedule messed up your usual plans. You should’ve said something when we were picking out classes.”

“It’s all good. I can catch a game at the gym with those guys any day.”

“Okay. But talk to me if you want to make changes.”

“Nah. See, my plan’s working like a charm. He checked out your ass when we left.” My easy smile remains in place, but I have the insistent urge to deck him for it. Tatum is mine.

“Why? You just introduced me as your girlfriend. Isn’t that, like, against bro code to go for your friend’s girl?”

Her head turns to look back and I stop her, tugging her closer so she’s fitted against my side. “It’s the way guys are wired. We want what we can’t have. If we see a hot chick dating someone, some part of us wishes we could have her. I guarantee you at least five guys see me all over you right now, taking notice of you.”

“The male psyche is so interesting in how much it differs from female logic,” she murmurs breathlessly as I tease the sensitive skin of her neck with my lips.

“Let’s get this dropped off at your dorm. I know you’re dying to see it.”

We continue down the wide walkway for two more buildings before we reach her new assigned residence in Huntington Hall.

“Third floor,” she announces eagerly.

Third floor and no elevators in this dorm. Awesome. I’m definitely counting today as leg day.

Tatum glances around the room when we get there and sets her bag down on the bed closer to the window. “You didn’t have to do this, you know. You could’ve squeezed in one more day to yourself before we go all in with our little fake relationship show.”

“Nah, babe.” I find a spot for her stuff and swipe a hand over my baseball hat, flexing the worn in brim. “Good boyfriends totally do all the heavy lifting on move in day. I’m not about to leave you high and dry.”

The corner of her mouth lifts. “Thanks.” She turns back to her overnight bag and sighs happily as she unzips it. “Um—”

I curb my grin, watching her discover the other surprise I’ve left for her. She pulls out the bundle of t-shirts, muscle tanks, and a light hoodie I stuffed in her duffel bag.