Page 68 of The Devil You Know

For the first time ever, I walk into a meeting with my advisor without battling crippling dread that I’m fucking up my future. This confidence in my choices, in making a plan, must be how Tatum feels all the time. Thanks to her, I understand the appeal. It no longer scares the hell out of me to look ahead. I’m ready to put in the work to achieve everything I want.

“So, you’re ready to declare a major, Mr. Vale?” Karl asks as I take my seat.

I wait for the stomach cramps and rapid pulse that used to come when I’d get overwhelmed thinking about the future, but neither happens. With a relieved smile, I nod.

“Hell yeah.” A newfound courage floods my voice. Karl huffs in amusement, lifting a brow. I clear my throat. “Hell yeah, sir. I thought about it all summer and I know what I want to do now.”

The idea of Vale Surf Co. shifts in my mind the more I think about it. Some days it’s a surf camp intensive with a busy season aligning with South Bay’s tourism, and others it’s a school with workshops and classes. Once Tatum had my interests in physical things down, she made it easy to pick out a course schedule for the semester focused on balancing what I like with prerequisites that will lead to the degree I’ll be studying for.

He scans my transcript paperwork spread across his desk. “I’m glad to see you prepared to apply yourself. This semester’s schedule tells the story of a completely different person.”

“Not totally different,” I say. “Just getting serious about a lot in my life.”

“Good. That’s an attitude SBC likes to foster in the students here. So tell me more.”

“I want to enter the business degree program.” Karl nods along. I flex my hands on my thighs and continue. “With a minor focus in body science.”

There’s a moment’s pause before Karl hums in surprise. “That’s certainly the opposite of an undeclared major. You’ll want to keep on top of your classes and assignments to keep your GPA in line with the credit requirements for those study focuses.”

“I know. I’m prepared for all of that.”

“As long as you’re committed, you’ll do fine.”

His approval feels good. It strikes me that the first person I can’t wait to tell about how this meeting went isn’t my mom or dad, but Tatum. They know about my school plans after I talked with them to get their perspective on the goal of starting a business. I haven’t told her yet.

On my way home after the meeting, I stop at the store to grab stuff for my classes. It’s a first for me. Usually I wait until after they start to even think about getting a notebook or the required textbooks.

That kind of attitude towards my degree won’t fly anymore. I’m serious about applying myself now that my future is becoming clearer. All I have to do is reach out and take it.

I pause halfway down the aisle of pens and sticky notes when a pack of pastel hearts catches my eye. The sticky notes remind me of Tatum and her huge collection of quirky notebooks and stationery armory to match every mood. I’ve watched her coordinate a notebook and highlighters with the focus playlist she chose for one of our study sessions—one where I wasn’t undressing her and showing her every skill I have to make her come undone.

The corner of my mouth lifts and warmth expands in my chest. I grab the pack on a whim. It’s like taking a small piece of Tatum with me.

* * *

“I still don’t get why you wouldn’t let me load up your car last night. We could’ve been on our way to campus by now.” Tatum’s Logic Tone drifts across the driveway as she and Jackson step out. “Moving day check-in starts at eight. Now we’ll have to wait in line.”

Jackson pulls a face and darts his confused look at me. “What are you talking about? Coop texted me yesterday to say we were taking the Jeep. It fits more of your shit. You don’t even need half this stuff. We’re only a forty minute drive from home.”

My mouth twitches into a crooked smile when Tate whirls to face me. She takes in my loose gym shorts and fitted t-shirt, her attention lingering on my bicep perched on the hood of my ride. She looks damn good in a pair of blue tie-dye bike shorts that hug her ass and a flowy tank top that offers a peek at her sports bra.

“Morning, beautiful. All ready for move in day?”

“You're here,” she blurts.

This plan was totally worth it for the pleasure of surprising her. She’s not used to having a boyfriend to rely on, and I’m enjoying being there for her. It’s the kind of guy I’ve always wanted to be. I’ll work on planting the idea of us in her mind and grow the seed until she sees we’re meant to be together.

“I am. Sorry, I didn’t have time to grab us coffee like I promised.” I adjust my backward baseball cap and shrug. “We can get something after we get you moved in.”

Her brows raise at the plan she wasn’t aware of, and she motions at me with a bright purple shower caddy full of toiletries. “As in, you're not already at campus.”

A soft chuckle rolls out of me. “Why would I be there instead of helping my girlfriend move in?”

“Oh,” she says in a small voice. She glances at her brother, realization crossing her face. “Well—”

“Move.” Jackson nudges her aside. He circles around the Jeep and I follow him to help. “You two can make eyes at each other all you want on the ride, but let's get this loaded up first.”

Between the three of us and Tatum’s organizational skills, we have the Jeep packed in under twenty minutes. Out of habit, she goes for the back. Jackson smirks, cutting her off.