I elbow him. "Ass. Are you guys going back out or are you done for the day?"
"We might after we eat. The waves are still good." He brushes the edge of my collar bone, lowering his voice. “Or—”
"Coop, let's go." Jackson's call breaks the spell and interrupts whatever he was about to suggest. His eyes bounce between me and his best friend. I hold my breath, worried we’ve been caught. “We're walking down to the Shack to grab lunch.”
Cooper squeezes my shoulders before getting to his feet. "Shrimp tacos, T?"
I nod, fighting off the warmth spreading through me because he always knows what I want. "Thanks."
"We'll be back girls." Jackson grabs his wallet from my beach bag. "Anything else you want us to bring back?"
Simone flips to her stomach. "Nope. Won't even notice you're gone."
Jackson's gaze sweeps down her spine and glues to her ass. I scoff, and he follows Cooper, Harris, and Ty down the beach.
"Did he stare at my ass?" Simone asks smugly.
"Yeah. Isn't it weird? He used to date your sister."
She shrugs. "That was like a million years ago. They were fifteen." She peeks in the direction they went. "He's definitely not fifteen anymore."
"Do you like him?" I lift a brow.
She shrugs again. "Sometimes." A sly grin spreads on her face and she leers at me over her shoulder. "You're the one playing with fire with that whole sunscreen act. Smooth, very smooth. Jackson didn't even blink with Coop's hands all over you."
"That was all him." I dig out a lemonade to cool the heated flush in my body. "And he was just making sure I don't burn. It's not part of ourbenefits."
"Uh huh. Sure. That's not what that look on his face said. He couldn't take his eyes off you. If you were alone, I bet he'd want to tackle you to the sand and give you his full attention."
A laugh bubbles out of me. "No way."
Okay, maybe she had a point. We definitely haven't been able to keep our hands to ourselves for long since the night I gave him a blowjob. Even during our regular study sessions, the non-sexy ones, we end up snuggling or touching each other casually. Cooper is just a handsy guy and he's a perfect cuddle buddy.
So what if I've figured out how to incentivize his academic studies with sexual rewards?
Last night flashes in my mind, Cooper's lips brushing my skin hungrily, muttering the answers. For each correct one, I stripped another article of clothing until I was naked on his bed. I challenged him with a bonus round question that stumped him, but the moment his expression shifted into satisfaction when he knew the answer, my insides melted. He took great pleasure in reaping his reward, burying his face between my thighs until I was a whimpering, writhing mess.
"I know my truth and you know yours, girl." Simone settles back against the blanket.
Once the guys return with take out from Tiki Taco Shack, the conversation turns towards the event that marks the end of summer—Cooper's birthday. He'll be twenty in a few short weeks. The two contenders are a trip to Tijuana or a bonfire party at the cove.
After the guys demolish the majority of the food, they hit the ocean again. I read a book while Simone naps. My eyes drift to the waves to watch Cooper riding them more than once. It takes me a long time to finish a chapter.
The next time I look up, I find Cooper kneeling next to a little boy, showing him how to balance on his board. The boy's smile is ecstatic and Cooper nods in encouragement, pointing to his feet and tapping his belly. Even from a distance, it's clear to see how much pride fills him by teaching his skill to the little boy.
My breath catches when Cooper glances up and realizes I'm watching. His mouth curves in a handsome smile that makes my stomach flutter.
Cooper and the little boy's dad take him into the shallow waves, allowing him to feel like he's surfing by pushing the board. He looks so right out there, pointing out waves when they come. I picture his confident tone with ease, smiling as I imagine the way he gets this bright glint in his eyes when he talks about surfing. He could be an instructor. I think he’d like doing it.
After twenty minutes, Cooper waves goodbye and makes his way back up the beach. He sits next to me, wet suit stripped down to his waist. His knee bumps mine.
"You looked good out there," I murmur.
He glances around before brushing his lips over my shoulder. "I think I made that kid's whole month."
"I know from experience you're a great teacher." I smirk. "A total natural."
He gives me a scorching look that makes heat erupt in my core. My breath catches at the intensity of it.