Page 3 of Hell's Reaper

The one from the bar raises a brow, smirking. I bite my bottom lip to keep from smiling. Was he smiling at the word I used, massive? I meant it in both ways.

“Come easy and I won’t be forced to take you down,” Khazon says, drawing my attention back to him. I tend to get sidetracked a lot.

I smirk, raising my fists and using my elbows to cover my ribs. I’ve trained too. Sort of. I throw a punch, aiming for his chest. “Don’t get a boner doing it, Khazzie.”

He grabs it, twisting my wrist behind my back before pushing me into the dresser. My hips feel a slight sting at the pressure. Jaw tightening, I stomp down on his right foot, then launch my head back into his jaw. He groans, stumbling back toward the bed. “Asura!”

I cock a brow. I know for a fact I can’t get past six-foot-two Khazon and his three seven-foot bodyguards, but I won’t go down without a fight.

“Don’t touch her,” Khazon orders one of his goons.

I glance over, seeing the one I hit in the street reaching out for me. “Oh, be a dear. Return this key.” I throw the room key. He catches it, but stares at me. “Oh, fuck, sorry. You can’t think for you—”

Khazon charges into me, lifting me over his shoulder. I wrap my leg around his chest and hit him hard in the side of the neck with my fist. He slams me onto the dresser, throwing a fist at me. I lift my leg, quickly wrapping it around his arm and holding it down. His other fist flies, and I dodge it just in time for him to shatter the mirror behind me.

I wince as the glass falls against my back, and that’s when I realize how much stronger he actually is, and how much he wants to hurt me right now. “Damn…”

He looks up at me, his dark eyes blazing with rage.

“If you wanted me to come with you so badly, you could have just asked,” I tease.

He stares at me. “You’ve hurt too many men for me to take you lightly.”

The smirk slides from my lips. I was defending myself, but I’d rather not tell him and his goons that story. Save that for a rainy day. “It’s what I do. I’ll leave on a few conditions.”

“No.” He pulls back, straightening his jacket.

I glance down at his knuckles to see how badly he’s hurt, but he’s not. He heals so quickly now. Overall, he’s gotten faster, smarter, and better than I am now. He’s a reaper; He has to be. “Then I won’t go.”

He cocks a brow. “You think you can really overpower all of us?”

“I know I can; I have a taser and mace, Khazzie. Now… One, I want that key returned so they don’t take any more of my money, because now I have to pay to fix this mirror.”

Khazon rolls his eyes but looks at the guy that has the key. He huffs, but he leaves the room to go to the front desk.

“Two, you take me to the waffle diner here on Earth.”

He cocks a brow.

“It could be one big date or whatever, but I’m hungry and I’m not going to Hell on an empty stomach. Transporting always makes me feel sick.”

Khazon pinches the bridge on his nose, sighing. “Asura… You have thirty minutes at that stupid waffle house.”

I gasp, touching my chest. “Not stupid! And I won’t even need that long. I come quickly when syrup is involved.”

He steps back, letting me jump from the dresser. Glass clatters to the ground. “After you, Princess of Hell.”