Page 84 of Hell's Reaper

“Should we go out to get him?” Hazen asks.

I shake my head, eyes saddening. “We would get burnt in the acid rain. We can’t just leave.”

“I’ll go out and get them somewhere else,” Jigsaw says, shrugging off his jacket. Where the fuck did he come from? I shake my head, no time to ask.

Very quickly, because I know people are getting hurt, I move my eyes down his wide, muscular frame, taking in all the tattoos peeking out from his tank top. A leather harness sits over his chest and around his shoulders, making them look bigger.

He takes off his mask and drops it.

I look up at Jigsaw. There are small scars around his lips, but he doesn’t seem mind me seeing them.

“Jigsaw, I can’t ask you to do this.” I push him backwards from the door.

His lime-green eyes drop to my palm on his chest, but sadly, he still has a shirt on. “We both know I can take the acid storm.”

“It’s more than that! Stop trying to be a fucking hero.”

His eyes glance behind me. Before another word can come from my mouth, a huge arm wraps around me and Jigsaw rushes out the door.

“No!” My heart lunges and electricity surrounds me. Hazen. My hellhound.

“He might be able to make it.” Ozias says.

I rip myself from Hazen. “No! The Shadow World isn’t made for the hell’s storm. The ground is going to give way!”

His black eyes widen.

Then I see a white flash running through the ground.

“Jigsaw!” I scream. Without another thought, I’m pushing back from him and running after Jigsaw outside. I hear Ozias and Hazen screaming behind me.

The ground rumbles with each flash. I push myself to run faster just as the white flash shines in front of Jigsaw. My fist wraps around his shirt and I pull with all my might to pull him back as the earth in front of him cracks open.

I land on the ground, and a lighter body rolls on top of me. My eyes are wide as I look up at Ozias. His head hangs over my face, and I can see the pain of the acid rain soaking his back.

He just saved me from stepping into the crack of the earth. The white flashes opened sink holes that are the largest I’ve ever seen.

Jigsaw steps back as I land in the mud behind him. Putting my weight into pulling him back has stopped him from stepping into the crack. “What are you doing out here?” He scoops me up and rushes us both under a tree.

“Saving you.” I grab his bare shoulders and somehow his magic hurts less than the toxic rain.

He rips my hands from his skin and towers over me to stop the rain from hitting my face. “Are you okay?”

A smirk runs on my face. “Do you even care?”

“No,” he deadpans, eyes scanning over my body to make sure I’m not badly burned. His leather jacket protected my upper body, just not my lower. “Don’t ever come after me again! You could have died!”

“Are we going to save my brother?!”

His jaw tightens. “Asura. You are hurt.”

“I happen to like the feeling of my skin burning off,” I say with a weary smile. It burned but after spending my whole life in Hell, I kind of got used to it. Even if it feels like a parasite eating my skin rapidly. “Let’s do this.”

He curses.

I turn to look at the shed that looks like it might collapse any moment. “The reaper’s dorm isn’t too far, maybe we can make it.”

Jigsaw nods. “You go to the dorms, I’ll get them.”