Page 6 of Hell's Reaper

“A telum…” I gasp, eyes widening. I remember Khazon and I being kids and gushing about who would have the better telum—a weapon all Soul Reapers can conjure up—and now, he technically does.

One of Draco’s goon’s attacks first, rushing at Khazon. One of Khazon’s hound’s rushes forwards just as fast, wrapping his hand around the guy’s neck and twisting harshly. The guy thuds onto the ground, dead. Well, more dead than he was.

I step back more, blinking. The other vampire behind Draco disappears, and I bump into something solid behind me. I glance at the others who, aside from the vampire, are all in front of me. My stomach drops and the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

Fuck... he’s behind me, isn’t he?

Like a horror movie, I twist around, seeing the vampire behind me. He grasps my throat, pulling me into the air. I gasp sharply before lifting my leg and kicking him in the jaw. He blinks at me, barely phased.

Khazon acts fast by slicing the vampire’s arm clean off with his crimson ax.

Scrambling backward, I bump into Ledger’s back as he growls at Draco.

My stomach rumbles with lust, earning a quick glare from Ledger. Can’t help it that men who growl are hot.

“Better give up now, Draco,” Khazon says. “Before you die tonight.”

I glance at Draco who weighs his options, but a smirk lets me know that he’s made his choice and he isn’t going to go down easily.

Draco attacks.

Ledger shifts into his hellhound form; his bones crack as his limbs elongate, clothing shedding from his body. Quicker than I can think, a hellhound with glowing red eyes sits in front of me. Even on all fours, his body is almost touching my face. He has little to no fur along his ash brown body and long pointed ears. Harsh bone spikes travel down his spine all the way to his tail. He attacks, snapping harshly on Draco’s arm.

The vampire claws at his face, blood spraying.

Khazon grunts behind me, drawing my attention. One of his other hounds has shifted and is by his side, fighting a vampire.

I feel useless as the last hound is by my side, protectively, but ready to jump in whenever needed.

I can take down these vampires, I’ve had too before. The vampires have hurt me one too many times, and I’ve finally figured out how to mask my scent from them. This time, they probably followed Khazon and his hounds.


Ledger’s hellhound body hits the counter. He looks worse than I thought he would. Blood drenches his body and only one of his eyes are open, the other swollen shut.

“Use it, Ledge!” Khazon shouts.

His open red eye flickers to his leader before he stands and lets out a roar. The injuries don’t seem to faze him as his skin becomes ablaze with a blood-orange fire. A gasp catches in my throat as I feel the heat of his magic. He roars again, fire spitting from his ignited mouth.

The hellhound next to me nudges me to the exit at the front, and between the two hounds and fire, Draco can’t get to me. The cold slaps me in the face as we both step outside. Khazon and the other hounds follow, with Ledger at the head, spitting fire balls against the floor. The diner goes up in flames with the vampires—who look desperate to escape—still inside.

Twisting to move the car, I hit something solid and cold. Gasping, I step back. More?

He stares down at me, crimson eyes wandering over my face. Like the hellhounds, he’s tall, but maybe not as tall. His long, pure white hair is pulled back into a low ponytail. Lips curling around his unlit cigarette, he cocks a brow. “Asura.”

“Thorne,” I reply almost breathlessly. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him. Since Draco killed my only human friend, Thorne seems to always be around to keep his brother, Draco, out of trouble… as if that helps.

Khazon pushes me back and steps between us. “Back off, Thorne.”

Cigarette in mouth, he raises his hands and steps back.

Khazon pushes me to the car. “Get in,” he orders.

I want to mock him, but my eyes stay glued to Thorne. The vampire watches me with a small smirk curling on his lips.

“See you, Asura,” he mutters. Slowly, he pries his eyes from me and begins moving toward his brother. He raises a hand and flips open a familiar looking Zippo lighter.

I slide into the back seat as the hellhounds pile in after me. Khazon gets behind the wheel, starting the SUV and peeling out of here before we can even speak.