The laugh comes from someone else. “Oh, Nathan, didn’t anyone tell you that the Princess of Hell is immune to your bullshit?”
I look up and lock eyes with someone who looks familiar. His pitch-black eyes lock on mine and a smirk curls at the side of his lips. His black hair hangs down past his shoulders, almost to his hips now.
“Shut it, Ozias,” Nathan says. “I’m about to get her to go home with me.” He touches my arm again, but even though he’s strong and his magic is there, I can easily move away.
He raises a brow. “You remember me now, Heir?”
“Oh, shut up!” I move to him, wrapping my arms around his body. He does the same, running a hand to my waist to pull back. “How are your parents?” Hades and Persephone made a handsome ass son.
“Good,” he says, looking down at me. He’s a year older than me, but I had always been taller than him. Seems like he had a growth spurt since I’ve been gone and seems like he’s gotten hotter too. “You should go and see them. They miss you.”
“Hey, Asura, let’s get out of here,” Nathan says, making me realize that he’s still here.
Ozias begins laughing so hard I think he is going to piss himself, then he deadpans, “Go the fuck away, Nathan.”
The incubus scurries away.
I look up at him, hitting his arm. “Why are you so rude?”
“You can’t tell me that you thought he was cute!” Ozias leans against the counter. He’s dressed like a priest with all black everything, but nothing about Ozzy has ever been holy. Dirty thoughts run through my head. I wouldn’t mind getting on my knees and worshiping him. He’s towering over me now, and I can tell he works out, but he’s not as big as Khazon.
I roll my eyes, leaning against the counter. “I thought I was getting lucky tonight.”
Ozzy stands up straight but leans to me. “You still can. Lots of men saw you dancing.”
“Oh… you saw that?” Is he flirting? With me? We grew up together. I never looked at him like that, but he seems more grown up and way more handsome than before. His features are thin, besides his square jaw. His skin lacks any color that he could pass as a vampire. His hair is way longer than it’s ever been and his black eyes have this icy glare to them. His features remind me of his father’s, Hades.
He smirks. “Everyone did… Heard you were a stripper in the Earth World.”
I wave him off, sucking my teeth.
He leans more into me and picks my chin with his fingers. “You want to show me what you did there?”
My eyes travel up and down his body before a smirk runs across my lips. “Oh, please… You can’t handle this.”
Ozzy cocks a brow, as I reach over him and grab the bottle of liquor he was sipping. I take a swig before turning and moving away with the bottle. I glance back to see him smiling and staring.
Moving away, I find Hazen playing beer bong in the dining room with some friends. I sit nearby and watch him. His smile is wide and when he throws the last ball, he makes it in, and everyone shouts. Hazen looks at the crowd and meets my eyes. He smiles at me, and it makes my insides warm. How dare he be this fine? Who is this hellhound, really?
I move through the crowd to get to him, just as one of the girls says, “Let’s play truth or dare!”
I try to turn away, but Hazen scoops me up by my waist. “Come on.”
“Oh, I don’t like high school games,” I tease as a few from the party settle down in the dining room couch. The worst part is, I don’t even know these people, only Hazen. My eyes glance around the room to make sure. Ozias is talking with Khazon and they are in the range of the truth or dare. They could be included in this…
I stick to the outskirts of the circle as the girl dares some kid to drink some gross drink that has raw eggs in it. Of course, he does it. Someone else dares someone to switch costumes with them.
“Asura, truth or dare,” Miya challenges, eyes pinned right on me. This is why I didn’t want to play. She can dare me to do anything, like kiss Ledger and piss off Khazon, or suck someone’s dick, or even strip.
Because the devil didn’t raise a bitch.
“Dare,” I say, swigging my drink which has been passed between Hazen and me.
“I dare you to make out with Hazen on his lap for one minute,” Miya says.
I lock eyes with Ledger. His jaw tightens and Khazon stands over his shoulder, watching us. He’s always there and watching.