Page 41 of Hell's Reaper

“Not for me,” she says, but she doesn’t seem mad. Some girls, like Miya, seem to strive for all men’s attention, then ruin the women that have it. Example: me. I don’t want all the guys’ attention. I want Ledger’s… and maybe Inarian’s and Jigsaw’s, but neither are here. They don’t seem like the party type.

Electricity makes me jolt, and I feel hands grabbing my hips. “Just me,” a familiar voice whispers in my ear, but I can’t fully make out who. I shudder. “I see that we are pissing off Ledger.”

I snort, turning and looking up. It’s Hazen. His curls are loosely done with a bright green hair chalk rubbed through it His golden-tan skin is covered with a bit of white makeup and a huge red smile. The Joker. “Not pissing him off; we’re getting his attention.”

“You got a lot of people’s attention… Mine included. Can I dance with you?”

“Can you even dance?” I tease.

He grabs my hand, spinning me so my back is to him before pressing his crotch right into my ass as he follows my hips with the beat. I widen my eyes, feeling my head spin. He moves just as well as I do. “Can I dance?” His warm breath is on my neck, making me hot.

I turn my head, letting his hands guide my hips. “Don’t you dare turn me on. Not with all these hounds.”

He chuckles heavily in my ear. “Try not to get turned on.” His ringed fingers run up my stomach slightly, making me stiffen. “Do you even know how to dance?”

Two can play at that game. I scoff, ducking around his arm and circling him. My hands run up his chest, then over his shoulder, down to his back. He’s tall like the other hounds, maybe the shortest at seven feet. “Don’t insult me. I’m sure you saw the video.”

He shakes his head, pulling me against his chest. “I don’t feed into rumors or listen to them.” I look up at him. He’s wearing a suit that barely hides any of his muscles.

“Joker? How toxic,” I comment.

He snorts, “Me? Toxic? At least I’m not trying to make hounds jealous.”

I glance at Ledger whose jaw is tight and his grip around his beer is harsh.

“Your little boyfriend told him not to go around you or he wasn’t going to be his reaper anymore.”

Boyfriend? Khazon? “That motherfucker,” I mutter.

“He is so mad that I’m dancing with you.”

I glance at Khazon and see his chest rising and falling hard. Smirking, I turn, putting my ass against his hard dick, and together we move so perfectly. He guides me a bit until I take over. Suddenly, this isn’t about pissing Khazon off; I realize how large Hazen is against me. Heat fills me.

Hazen presses his lips into my ear. “You smell good enough to eat.”

My eyes close. I can almost imagine this alternative punk guy right between my legs and giving me what I’m begging for. Then he would sink his canine teeth right into my thigh. It takes my breath away at the thought and causes me to push from him.

“I need to go to the bathroom. Sorry!” I move through the kitchen, and down the hall. I don’t even know where the bathroom is, but I’m determined to find it. Once I do, I close the door behind me and fan myself. Men need to stop being so… hot, before I lose my mind and fuck them all. I move to the sink, running my hands under the cold water. I barely know Ledger or Hazen and the desire for them both are the strongest feelings I’ve ever felt before.

The bathroom door opens, making me whip around. “Occupied!” I say quickly. I half expected it to be Hazen for more, but instead, there stands Ledger, staring hard at me.