Page 17 of Hell's Reaper

Mrs. Hill, the fight instructor, moves out, clapping her hands. “All right. Today we are going to try combat training. Pick someone of the opposite size than you.”

I look up at Ledger, but Amos grabs his arm first. “Sorry. I’m not working with anyone else. Go get your iceman.”

Ledger and I lock eyes. He looks like he wants to murder Amos as his crimson eyes deepen a shade.

To my luck, Inarian is one of the last available people. I walk to him and our eyes lock halfway. I can’t read his expression at all. “Want to be my partner?” I say cheerfully.

He stares at me and then shrugs.

“Okay…” Amos did say that he barely talks to anyone.

“Okay! Line up on a mat,” Mrs. Hill instructs.

We both move to our spots, and I feel eyes burning into me. I glance over to see Ledger staring at us. His jaw is tight, but I can’t tell why he’s pissed. Is it… jealousy?

“Now in some situations, you’ll have a tall hellhound and a short reaper,” Mrs. Hill says, pointing at Inarian and I as an example. I wasn’t short in the Earthbound world but amongst hounds, I’m short. “The short and small might not be the strongest, but they could be the fastest and agile. Vice versa, the tall and big might be slow, but their punches are powerful. You have to use things to your advantage. Let’s begin with jabs and where to hit them.”

I lean forward but look up to Inarian. “I’m Asura.”

He cocks a dark brow before moving across from me and preparing to jab at me.

“I know your name. Inarian. Do you like to be called Inari or Nari?”

He puts his fingertips against my chest. My brows pull together, watching him. In a quick motion he makes a fist and pushes it into my chest without even reeling back.

I gasp, grabbing my chest as I fall to my ass. I swear I feel my heart skip a beat or two and not in a good way. I rub the tender spot, looking up at him. That’s going to leave a mark. Once I’m able to catch my breath, I roll to my knees before standing, “Damn, okay. No ni-nicknames, ass.”

He smirks, motioning for me to hit him with a gesture to his chest.

I move to him, coming up to the start of his chest. I hate to admit that he’s slightly taller than Ledger. I make a fist, curling my thumb around my closed fingers before reeling back and hitting his sternum.

Instead of him hurting or groaning, I yelp, pulling back my hand and shaking it. “Motherfucker!”

That one fucking punch lands me in the nurse’s office, getting my already bruising knuckles checked out. I have to get used to the pain, because I’m sure this is going to happen more, especially since Mrs. Hill is keeping us as partners.

The nurse wraps it, earning a groan from me. “Try not to punch anymore walls.”

I smile. “I’ll heal fast. I’m the daughter of the Devil.”

She smiles back. “I guess so. But still don’t need you going home with a broken fist, darling.”

I lean in. “What’s your name?”

“Mrs. Goldie,” the old lady says.


She waves me off, standing. “I know you. Stay away from walls, darling.”

I snort. Unless the wall is named Inarian.

I push Inarian as soon as we enter the locker room after class, feeling the cold touch my hot hands. “You really had to go that hard, ass?”

He cocks a brow. “Aw. Did I hurt your girlfriend? Sorry.”

I roll my eyes. “Next time don’t be such a fucking dickhead, icy boy.”

“Fuck off, flame breather,” he scoffs. “I’m not gonna baby your girlfriend. Last time I checked, she’s my partner and I’ve been tasked with teaching her how to fight. You should have picked her if you wanted her so badly.” He moves away.

His words anger me. He just never keeps his mouth shut. I bite my tongue and clench my fist. “Hurt her again, I’m fucking you up, Nari.”

Inarian smirks in my face. “Mad I might get this girl’s pussy first, too? I’ll tell you how it tastes, Ledge.”

Anger rises inside of me, and I can’t help but react instead of think.