Page 13 of Hell's Reaper

A low hellhound? “That breathes fire. You’re basically a dragon.”

He shakes his head. “He’s just our Soul Reaper. We don’t really talk outside of him giving orders.”

I sigh. “He’s changed. I saw all those demons around him basically drooling. It’s sad. He never cared about popularity.”

Ledger shrugs, opening a door that leads to an office, motioning me through. “If he has people worshiping the ground he walks on, they won’t leave him, like a certain someone did.”

Is it really my fault that Khazon changed as a person? No, Khazon is his own man. I scoff. “Whatever.”

“I’ll see you around, princess.”

I hold the door, peeking around it to watch him walk away. My dark eyes travel from his wide, broad shoulders right down to his round ass. The things I would do to him…

He looks back as if he can hear my thoughts and flashes me a smile.

Giggling, I wink at him. The last thing I need to be is that feral demon that springs on every hot hellhound in sight. Because I am that feral demon. I haven’t had good sex in too fucking long.

I ignore my horny thoughts, moving to the front counter in the dean’s office.

“Name?” the receptionist asks without looking up.

“Asura Beelzebub.”

The receptionist looks up quickly with wide eyes. “Oh, uh. Hello, Princess.” She averts her eyes.

I smile. “Hello. I’m supposed to have a room being set up for me.”

She nods, looking down at her computer. “Mhm. Seems like you are sharing a room, though. I’m sure we can fit you in somewhere. I might have to move some students to get you a room alone.”

I shake my head. “Don’t bother. I’ll make friends. I don’t mind sharing a room.”

“A-Are you sure, miss?”

I nod. “Whatever you got. It’s my fault for being so late.”

She nods, doing some work on the computer. “SR 101 is your first class, and there, the professor will tell you what you need to do to advance. You might have to catch up on a few things. Uh...What’s your clothing size?"

After telling her, she lets me use the bathroom to change. I feel like I’m in a cheesy porno with the red plaid skirt and the white button up. At least it has the scythe logo over my left breast: two scythes in an x.

The receptionist is waiting for me with the paper with my classes on it. “I will have someone take your bag to the door, so you won’t miss class.”

“Thank you. What’s your name?”

She swallows hard. “Uh, Miss Shay.”

I nod. I see her pointed ears, alerting me she’s fae. “Thank you, Miss Shay.”

She smiles warmly before showing me to my first lecture class of the day. She enters the lecture hall before me, going to speak to the teacher, who luckily hasn’t started yet.

I catch a glimpse of Khazon in the front row, sitting close to a girl. His eyes blaze fury as he looks at me. I smirk, waving at him.

“My name is Mr. Rickman,” the teacher says, holding out his hand and drawing my attention back to him.

I glance down at it before taking it. He balls a fist with his other hand before throwing it at me.

Miss Shay squeals beside us and rushes to leave.

I dodge, twisting his wrist in my hand, sending him to his knees, until he taps the desk. I let him go. “Sorry, sir.”