Page 46 of Sexy Dirty Fun

He had left me a few messages too, but instead of listening to them, I decided to give him a call. I hit dial on the phone and let it ring, anxious to hear his voice on the other end.



“It’s about damn time you fucking answer your phone,” I growled into my phone. I’d been waiting all day for Lindsey to call me and let me know she got to Madison all day. It crossed my mind that maybe since I was out of sight I would be out of mind too. I used to get around with the ladies but from what I heard about her, she wasn’t much better. She worried about me being faithful but I had the same concerns as she did.

I had been pacing back stage when she called. I had been on edge all evening waiting to hear from her, snapping at people who asked me the simplest question. By now, word had gotten around to leave me alone if they knew what was good for them.

Since I’d arrived back on tour four weeks ago, I’d gotten used to Lindsey calming me before I had a show. I’d performed hundreds of times, but after my accident, I got a little bit nervous. I had this crazy fear I would lose feeling in my legs again and fall on stage, humiliating myself. I’d confessed my fear to her and she found a way to settle my nerves. Sometimes she’d go down on me or we would fuck, but sometimes all I needed was her near me. She was all I needed.

“Sorry,” she said softly. “I’ve been busy.”

I immediately felt like an asshole; of course she’d been busy with her family. She was sniffling and her voice was hoarse. Had she been crying? Fuck, part of me wanted to be there to comfort her but another part was totally freaked out that were headed in this relationship direction. I hated that she was hurting though. I only wanted to see her smiling and happy.

As I headed back to my dressing room, my best friend Diesel called out to me. “We go on in ten minutes!”

I nodded and waved before going in and shutting the door. They could wait if they had to. The band couldn’t start without its lead singer. My girl needed me.

“I know, I’m sorry,” I sighed and sat down on the couch in my dressing room. “Your flight go ok?” I wanted to ask her about her mom or what it was like seeing her dad, but I was afraid she would cry.

“Yes, pretty uneventful. Dad was there to pick me up.” She got quiet and sniffled. “Cane, she’s so bad. Worse than I thought.” She started crying softly on the other end of the line.

“Oh baby.” I had no idea what to say to her.

“She’s so frail and weak, lying on the couch. I was scared to hug her in case I broke her.” She hiccupped and took a deep breath. “She told me she’s proud of me though. She’s been reading my articles and said they’re good.”

“They are fucking good, Lindsey.” I said. It was odd for a rock God to be dating a member of the press, but I didn’t care. She was damn good at her job and wasn’t like so many others out there only trying to get the latest scoop. She told real stories with real substance. I was proud of her and her work.

“She also knew about us. So did Dad,” she went on, ignoring my compliment. My heart jumped into my throat. Did they encourage her to stop seeing me?

“Oh?” I usually didn’t give a fuck about what people saw in the gossip rags, but I was curious what they thought.

“Dad told me to be careful,” she paused. “And Mom asked if you were ‘the one’.”

If he had been taking a drink, this would have spit it out all over the dressing room like you see on TV. “‘The one’?” I choked out.

“Yeah, I told her she was crazy. We still haven’t even figured out what this is between us,” she replied.

I found myself a little bit disappointed by her response. Deep in my gut I knew there was something special about this girl to make me change my ways. Had I thought about her being ‘the one’? Not even for one second. I only knew my life was better with her in it and she also drove me crazy like no girl ever had before.

I rarely slept with the same girl more than once, being bored of them as soon as they got me off. After fucking Lindsey, I only wanted more. I couldn’t never get enough of her. My cock got hard at the mere thought of her most of the time.

But ‘the one’? I wasn’t sure.

There was an awkward silence on the phone I wasn’t used to. We never had trouble taking to each other before.

“So, your last show is in a few days, huh?” She finally said. She knew when the tour ended but I was thankful for the change in subject.

“Yeah, it’s a bummer, but I’ll be glad to get off of that fucking tour bus. I miss sleeping in a real bed.”

Right then there was a knock on my door. It opened and Diesel poked his head in. “We gotta go man; we’re up.” I nodded and he closed the door behind him.

“Listen, I have to go. We’re on stage in a minute,” I stood up. “I miss having you here. You always calm me down before the show,” I admitted.

“I miss you too.” I could hear the smile in her voice and instantly felt ready to perform.

“I’ll call you later, baby,” I said.