Page 41 of Sexy Dirty Fun

Idon't 'do' crying females.

When a woman starts to cry, I usually shut down. I don't have time for that bullshit. It's usually over something stupid like me kicking them out of my bed or leaving town and I didn't give a fuck about that. After all, I would never see them again.

But now the woman I was starting to fall for was sobbing in my arms and I didn't know what to do. She was clutching my t-shirt for dear life, her body shaking with emotion. I looked around the bus and tried to peek out the bus window to see if there was someone that could give me a hint of what to do, but there was no one. Fuck.

I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight. “What's going on?” I asked. She mentioned something about her mom being sick, but she kept mumbling as she cried, so I couldn't be sure.

She untangled herself from my arms with a sniffle and sat back on the couch. Her eyes were blood shot and puffy from her tears. For the first time in my life, a woman's tears didn't annoy me; instead I wanted to do whatever I could to make them go away.

Lindsey looked around for a tissue. There was a box on the table and I reached over for it. I handed it to her and she grabbed a handful to blow her nose in. It was breaking my heart to see her hurting. This was a whole new experience for me.

She took a deep breath and looked down at her hands. “Mom has cancer. Breast cancer. Apparently, it's already pretty advanced.” She was overcome with emotion and had to stop talking. “They knew for a while, but told me now because she only has about six weeks to live.”

“Oh baby,” I said as she broke down again. She never talked about her parents much other than to say they didn't like her career choice and they weren't close. I drew her against me and rubbed her back. Even an emotionally stunted man like me knew there wasn't much I could do for her in this situation. All I could do was comfort her and listen.

“I can't believe they didn't tell us before now. They didn't even tell my brother and he's a doctor!” She sat back up. “They thought she would beat it and then they were going to tell us. It's spread all through her body. Dad already has her at home with hospice coming in to make her comfortable.” She blew her nose into a tissue. “I have to get to her right away.”

I watched as she stood up and went to a closet and pulled out her suitcase. She opened it and came back to her phone. “I need to get a flight. I need to pack. I have to call David.” She stopped looking at her phone and put her arms down at her sides. “What am I going to do, Cane?” She whispered to me.

I stood up immediately. I couldn't do anything about her mom being sick, but I could help her get to her. I put my hands on her shoulders. “Let me get you a flight. You're going to Madison, right?”

She nodded, her eyes wide.

“Ok, I'm on it. You pack. You can call your brother on the way to the airport. I'll get a car for you too. I'll go with you to the airport.” As much as I hated to see her go, I was going to do all I could to make sure she got back home as easily as possible.

Her phone rang when I dropped my arms. She looked at her phone and whimpered before looking back up at me. “It's my brother.”

“David,” she said with a sob and walked towards the back of the bus. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I could tell she was crying again. I wanted to comfort her, but she needed this time with her brother.

I ran my hand through my hair with a sigh and dialed my manager. I told him to arrange a flight for Lindsey on the next flight to Madison and to get us a car. He was to text me with the details as soon as he had them.

I hung up the phone and sat back down on the couch. I couldn't blame Lindsey for wanting to go home to be with her family. I didn't have any family other than the band and I would want to be there for any one of them if they needed me - especially Diesel after the way he didn't leave my side the whole time I was in the hospital.

I heard her say goodbye to her brother and she walked back to me. “David's calm and cool as usual,” she said with a roll of her eyes. I didn't know much about her brother either other than the fact that he was some hot shot surgeon in New York.

I realized I actually knew very little about Lindsey. We could have done that on vacation in Jamaica and when we got back to LA, but that wasn't going to happen now. I wondered if I could cancel those tickets or maybe I could change it to two rooms and Diesel would want to go. I made a mental note to ask him later.

I stood up and cupped her face, wiping the tear from her cheek. “Maybe he's hiding how he feels. Isn't he your older brother?”

“Yeah,” she said and put her arms around my waist before leaning into me. I wrapped myself around her, holding her tight. I was going to miss her warm body against mine.

“He's probably trying to be strong for you,” I said and rested my head on her chin. She was the perfect size for me and our bodies fit so well together. In fact, I was getting hard just from holding her close but this wasn't the time to put the moves on her.

I stood holding her for a few minutes, thinking about all that we had been through so far in our short time together and wishing I could take away her pain. I was going to miss her like crazy.

“Were you able to get me a flight?” She asked, her words muffled by my shirt.

“I called my manager and told him to get you one. He's also sending a car and will text me as soon as he has the information.”

“Thank you. Let me know what I owe you.”

“Don't worry about it, baby. I got this.” I reached down and gave her ass a soft pat. Man, was I going to miss it. It was selfish, but I didn't know how I was going to behave while we were apart. What if we didn't see each other the whole time? Now was not the time to worry about it.

“Thank you,” she replied softly and patted my cheek. “I'm going to go pack.”

I nodded and watched her walk away. As I sat back down on the small couch, my phone dinged with a text from my manager. It had the details of Lindsey's flight. He was able to get her out on a flight later that afternoon and it was direct from Denver to Madison. A car was going to be here in about two hours. Plenty of time to get some one last time; did I even dare try? I didn't want to send her off pissed at me. I would take her cues and see what happened.

She rolled her heavy suitcase to the door and brushed the hair out of her eyes that had fallen from her ponytail. “I think that's everything. I'll call my boss on the way to the airport. The tour's almost done anyway. I can write a wrap up piece from Madison.” She put her hands on her hips and looked at me. “Did you find out about my flight?”