Page 37 of Sexy Dirty Fun

Last week we got word the tour was being extended because Hookers and Hand Grenades was coming back. I heard it around the rumor mill that Cane worked his ass off at physical therapy so he could get back on the road. We were going to go back and hit the places that we missed. I’d even heard some rumblings about taking the show to Europe for a few shows, but that wasn’t confirmed yet.

I would have asked Drew, but he wasn’t talking to me. Not that I was all that interested in talking to him either. Ever since I blew him off that night, he’d been giving me the cold shoulder. I was relieved but at times it made my job a little bit difficult because I had to find everything out second hand.

“Yes, his band is coming back on the tour so they added shows. We’re hitting some of the biggest cities in the country. At least I think that’s the plan.” I closed the laptop I had been working on and got up from the table in the tour bus. It was late, but I needed some air. I slipped on my sandals and walked out the door.

“Are you going to talk to him?” She asked. “Or fuck him?”

“Oh my God, Becky!” I shook my head. “I seriously doubt it. Remember what happened the last time I saw him?” I leaned against the side of the bus.

“He was just upset about his accident. He’s had time to cool off. You’re going to sleep with him again. You two are drawn to each other.”

“Whatever,” I dismissed her. It didn’t pay to argue with her when she got something into her head.

“I expect a full report when you see him again.”

“Sure,” I said and turned my head. I almost dropped the phone when I saw Diesel walking by. I didn’t see Cane with him. “Listen, I have to go. We’re about to roll out,” I lied to her. I wanted to talk to Diesel before he got away.

“Talk to you soon. Love you,” she said. “And FULL REPORT when you talk to Cane.”

“Got it. Love you too.” I ended the call and walked over to Diesel. I had to stop myself from running before he got away, but I didn’t want to look too eager.

“Hey Diesel,” I called out when I was almost directly behind him.

He stopped and turned around when he heard. “Hey Lindsey, how are you?” Much to my surprise, he reached for me and gave me a hug.

“Good.” He released me and I pulled back. “Are you guys back?”

“Yeah, we got in a bit ago. The rest of the guys are at the bus.”

“It will be good to have you back. Everyone missed you.” I was dying to ask him about Cane.

“Man, it’s fucking great to be back. I didn’t realize how much I missed being on the road.” He scrubbed his face over his hand.

“Yeah, I bet,” I replied. I reached back and pulled on my ponytail. It was like I was having an awkward teenager moment with my crush’s best friend.

“Well, I gotta get back to the bus,” he said and I was relieved that this conversation was ending. “I’ll see you around.”

“Me too. Got a story to finish. Welcome back again,” I said.

“Good night.” He turned and began to walk back to his bus. Just as I was about to do the same, he turned around again. “Oh, and Lindsey, he’s gotten over his anger at you, so you should try to talk to him.”

I tried to keep the smile from breaking out too big on my face. “I will, thanks.” I wanted to skip back to my bus, but that would definitely be too obvious. I went inside to the small bathroom to wash my face before getting into my bunk. That story I told Diesel I had to finish would have to wait. I was too tired to form a coherent sentence. I would get up early and write it before my boss was even awake in California.

The last time I tried to talk to Cane, it didn’t go so well, but I was really hoping the accident had given him a fresh perspective about us. Diesel wouldn’t encourage me to go talk to him if he didn’t think Cane would be responsive, right? At least I hoped so. The two were best friends and I’m sure he knew him better than anyone.

I turned off the light in the bathroom and went to my bunk. I reached for my phone next to me and contemplated texting Cane. I typed up a text asking if he wanted to talk. I sat and looked at it for what seemed like forever before finally hitting sent. My heart was beating a million miles a minute and my mouth was so dry. I thought I might throw up.

This was it. This was going to be my last effort at trying to talk to Cane and figure out if we could have any sort of relationship. I wasn’t even sure what I wanted from him other than great sex. My nipples tightened at the memories of the way his hands and mouth felt on my body. Could we even have anything more? Could he give up his man-whoring ways?

I glanced at my phone to see if I missed his response. Still nothing. I rolled over in bed and fought back the tears as my eyes started to burn. I was being totally ridiculous and not much better than a teenager. It hadn’t even been that long since I texted him. He was probably busy talking to everyone since coming back.

Or he was fucking some whore.

I was startled by a knock on the bus door. Who the hell was that? I stayed perfectly still. I didn’t plan on going to see who it was. My goal was to make it through the next four weeks on this tour and then go back to LA to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I loved music but falling for musicians was not working so well for me and I wasn’t sure I would be able to resist them. It might be time to think about an industry change.

There was a knock on the door again, but this time it was louder. I threw my covers over my head. Fuck! Why couldn’t they take the hint that no one was going to answer the door?

“Lindsey, I know you’re in there. Open this fucking door!”