As much as she was a sight for sore eyes, I didn’t want her in my room, not until I figured out why the fuck I couldn’t feel my legs. I looked over at Diesel. “I want her out,” I muttered, hoping she wouldn’t hear me.
“Cane, I’m so glad you’re awake,” she said before he could respond. She came up next to the bed and reached out to touch my head. I jerked back, instantly regretting it when I saw the look of pain come over her face.
“Please leave,” I said, turning to her.
“But why?” She asked, a look of confusion filling her green eyes.
“Just go,” I said through clenched teeth. “I don’t want to see you right now.”
She looked over at Diesel and he nodded. “I’m sorry, but it’s best if you go.”
“Cane,” she pleaded. If she started crying I was going to lose it.
“Get the fuck out of my room!” I yelled and threw the remote from the table near me across the room. “Now!” I roared and my heart monitor started to beep like crazy from my increased heart rate.
A nurse rushed into the room. “What’s going on here?” She looked around. “Mr. Stephens, you’re awake. Let me get the doctor.”
No one said a word while she left the room. Lindsey grabbed her coat from the chair and fled without another word. When she was finally out of sight, I relaxed. “Keep her out of here. I don’t want to see her.”
“Ok, man,” he nodded, “But she’s been here since the beginning, barely leaving your side.”
“I don’t care. She doesn’t need to see me like this and it’s none of her business anyway.”
Before he could protest anymore, a team of doctors and nurses entered the room to check on me now that I was awake. As they poked and prodded me, the only thing I could think of was the look on Lindsey’s face when I yelled at her to leave. She looked so hurt and she didn’t really deserve to be treated like that.
I still couldn’t believe she stayed here at the hospital this whole time. After the way we ended things, she had no reason to put her life on hold and wait for me. Maybe she did care about me more than I thought.
It didn’t matter now anyway. I couldn’t feel my legs and who knows what the future holds for me, if anything. My music career could be over if I couldn’t walk again. She wouldn’t want to be with me then - no woman would. I had nothing to offer anyone if I wasn’t a rock god.
When the doctor checked my legs, I tried not to let on that I couldn’t feel anything but he could tell something was wrong.
“Can you feel this?” He asked as he poked around on my leg.
I looked over at Diesel who was watching intently. What would he think when he realized his lead singer couldn’t feel his legs?
“Mr. Stephens?” The doctor asked.
I turned back to him. “No, I can’t,” I mumbled.
“What the fuck man?” Diesel said with a gasp. “You can’t feel your legs.”
“No, I can’t fucking feel my legs, asshole,” I said. “Maybe you should leave too. There’s no reason for you to stay.”
He stared at me and didn’t say anything at first. “You’re my best friend, man. I’m not going anywhere.” He stood firmly next to me and I was glad he saw through my bullshit. We’d been together since we were kids and I was thankful he was with me.
The next hour was spent listening to doctors talk about my diagnosis and tests they wanted to run and a whole bunch of other bullshit. I wasn’t really listening to him. I knew all I needed to - I couldn’t feel my legs and I couldn’t walk. I thought I heard him say something about swelling on the spine and maybe in time I would gain sensation back. It all seemed like a lot of “what ifs”.
He finally left the room and Diesel scrubbed his face with his hand. “I have no doubt you’ll walk again. You’re too damn stubborn not to.”
“I don’t know,” I said with a shake of my head. I wasn’t as optimistic.
“You just gotta have faith, dude,” he said, leaning forward in his chair.
I snorted. “You should know better than anyone that faith is the last thing I have - in anyone or anything.”
He sighed and stood up to stretch. “I need to go have a smoke. Anything I can get you?”
“Some whiskey and a few chicks,” I said dryly. Then I wondered if I could even get it up if I couldn’t feel my legs. I reached under the covers and grabbed my dick hard. I winced with relief; at least that still worked.