I turned down the hallway leading to her room and stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a couple laughing. I walked slowly around the corner and saw what looked like a guy leaving her room. I walked a little closer, hoping my eyes were deceiving me. My heart dropped when I realized it was indeed Lindsey.
She looked like she was naked with a sheet wrapped around her luscious body. The stark white of it was a striking contrast against the red of her hair. She was giggling and wrapped her arms around the guy’s neck before giving him a kiss. Her sheet started to fall away and he held it back up to her while they both laughed.
“What the fuck?” I whispered when I figured out the guy she was hanging all over was Drew. She fucked Drew? What the hell?
It appeared Drew was trying to leave, so I hung back and waited for him to go. I managed to hide in a nearby hallway until he walked by. I waited until I heard the ding of the elevator closing before I went to her hotel door. I was more than a little bit annoyed she was mad at me for the way I behaved with women when it was becoming apparent she wasn’t a whole lot better with men. My antics were more publicized because I was famous.
Now she moved on to Drew. I thought she had a thing for rockers but I guess she didn’t discriminate. He always dressed like he came from the golf course, fucking preppy. He was the opposite of me, but maybe that’s what she was going for.
I knocked on her door loudly. “Lindsey, answer the door. I know you’re there.” I wasn’t going to fuck around. I wanted to talk to her and I wasn’t going to play any games, not after what I just saw.
I crossed my arms across my chest and widened my stance. I could hear her moving around in the hotel room. I may have even caught the sound of a few choice swear words coming from her mouth.
“I’m not leaving until you open the door and talk to me,” I said dryly. I wasn’t kidding either. If I had to camp out here until it was time to go to my show in Vegas I would.
I heard her footsteps approach the door and I couldn’t help but be slightly amused. I could imagine her stomping furiously towards the door. There was that feisty girl I was so attracted to.
I heard the door unlock and she flung it open, glaring at me. I was a little disappointed she was dressed now in jeans and a t-shirt. I would have preferred her naked and still wrapped in a sheet. Her hair was back up in a messy bun.
“What the fuck do you want, Cane?” She put her hand on her hip and looked up at me.
“I want to talk,” I said and pushed my way past her and into her room. I noticed the bed messy from her romp with Drew and I swore I caught a whiff of sex in the air. I had to push the images of her beneath him from my mind or I was going to punch the wall.
“You can’t barge your way into my room,” she said, shutting the door and following me into the room.
I was so angry she didn't want to talk to me but my cock was also rock hard. Her passion and temper was such a turn on. Screw talking; I should take her against the wall and pound the fuck out of her. Then I remembered seeing Drew leaving her a little bit ago and I changed my mind; I didn’t take anyone’s sloppy seconds.
“I only want five minutes of your time, Lindsey. That’s it.” I was sounding a little bit desperate and I hated it. I hated that she made me feel this way. It wasn’t something I was used to.
“Fine,” she said and crossed her arms over her chest. “Five minutes and then I want you out of here and I want you to leave me alone for the rest of the tour.”
I ran my hand through my hair and rubbed the back of my neck. I wasn’t sure that was a promise I wanted to make. She seemed to be impossible to leave alone.
“Ok,” I lied. I started to pace the room, trying to calm my nerves. I wasn’t used to being nervous about anything. The emotions going through my mind made it hard to collect my thoughts. I was angry she slept with Drew - a little hurt even. I was also jealous. I should have done a shot or two before coming here.
“Well?” she urged. “Clock’s ticking.”
God, she could be a fucking bitch. I stopped pacing. “That chick isn’t my wife. At least I don’t think so. She claims we got married here in Vegas the last time I was in town but I have no recollection of it and no one else can confirm or deny her story.”
“So?” She didn’t look impressed and I wasn’t sure what else to say.
“I sent her back home to get the marriage license she claims she has. I told her I wanted proof.” I walked over to her and put my hands on her arms. “You can come back to my room. There’s no reason to leave.”
She rolled her eyes and walked away. “Seriously, Cane. You can’t even remember if you’remarried.” She turned around, her eyes bright with tears. “And you want me to come warm your bed while you wait to find out. What about those girls I saw you and Diesel with? I’m sure they would keep you company while you waited for your wife to come back.”
“What do you want from me?” I threw my hands up into the air. I was beyond frustrated at this point and not sure what else to say. "I'm trying here."
“Even if she’s not your wife, Cane, there will be another woman behind her claiming to be the mother of your baby or the next Mrs. Stephens. When will it stop?”
“What about you?” I was mad now and was going to play dirty. I walked towards her.
“What about me?” She asked backing away from me until she was against the wall.
“I saw him leave.” My eyes bore into hers.
She bit her lip but didn’t say anything.
“I’ve heard stories about you and your obsession with rock stars.” I put a hand on the wall above her head, essentially trapping her. “How are you any better than me?”