I sent off a quick text to our manager telling him to call me. I had a feeling I was going to need his help. He always knew what to do and how to handle situations like this. He had saved my ass on more than one occasion.
When I was sure the hallway was clear of Diesel and company, I went to the elevators and went back up to my room. I took deep breaths, trying to sober up and calm down. Losing it with her wasn’t going to get me anywhere.
I got to my door and sighed before unlocking the door. I could hear the TV on and she was talking to someone. I opened the door and went inside. She was on the phone and when she saw me, she smiled.
“I have to go,” she said to whoever was on the phone and hung up before they had a chance to say anything. “I was wondering where you were,” she said sweetly, coming up to me and putting her arms around my waist. This was going to be harder than I hoped.
I took her arms and removed them from me. “I was trying to make sense of this,” I said and sat on the edge of the bed. “I don’t remember getting married and neither does anyone else I know.”
She crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. “Well, I remember.”
“Do you have the piece of paper to prove it?” I asked, leaning back on the bed with my hands.
A look of panic flashed across her heavily made up face. “Not with me,” she stammered.
I got up off the bed and found her bag. I took it over to her and placed it at her feet. “Well, how about this, sweetheart. You get that piece of paper and bring it to me. Once I see that, then we can talk. For now, it’s just your word against mine.”
She opened her mouth and started babbling. I wasn’t going to listen to this bullshit. Not until she showed me on paper we were married.
“Stop talking. Where are you from?” I asked.
“Miami,” she muttered.
“Is that where the marriage certificate is?” I asked.
She nodded, but she didn’t look too confident. I was growing more and more suspicious of this woman.
“Tell you what. I’ll have my manger get you a flight to Miami. When you have that certificate, you call him back and he’ll get you another flight to wherever we are so you can show me. Then we can figure this out.”
“Fine,” she muttered but she didn’t look happy. She was an idiot if she thought I was going to just believe her that she was my wife. I get women accusing me of ridiculous things often, so I sure as hell wasn’t going to believe her without some kind of proof.
My phone rang and when I pulled it out of my pocket, I saw it was my manager. I answered right away. “Hey Jack, I need you to do something for me.”
I was going to let her be his problem for a while.
Ididn’t leave my room for twenty-fours after seeing Cane in the hallway with those two women. The whole thing made me want to puke. He fucked me and then his wife showed up and now he was going off with two women. What a fucking man-whore.
I didn’t have anywhere to be for a couple of days and didn’t have any assignments due for the magazine for a while, so I stayed in bed watching the Real Housewives’ marathons and ordering room service. I was drinking champagne by the bucketful to dull my senses and managed to keep a pretty good buzz going consistently.
I couldn’t figure out why Cane being married bothered me so much and that only pissed me off more. I knew full well about his reputation with the ladies but to keep someone so major from me really upset me. He played me like a fool and treated me no different than any other whore he slept with.
After no human contact for so long other than with room service, I was feeling a little bit stir crazy. I didn’t want to run into Cane or anyone else from his band, so I sent Drew a text to stop over. The tour manager seemed to have a soft spot for me so maybe he would be willing to come entertain me for a while.
It took me awhile to find my phone. Cane hadn’t stopped calling or texting me so I had turned it off and thrown it deep into my bag. I turned it on and there were ten voicemails and texts from him. I deleted them all without looking. My desire not to talk to him was so great I almost thought about going home. I wasn’t going to let a man wreck the opportunity of my career though.
I had a few messages from my best friend Rebecca too back home. I hadn’t even filled her in on the mess that had happened since arriving in Vegas. She was going to freak out and insist on coming out here. I made a mental note to call her later. I was in no mood to rehash it all right now.
I sent Drew a text asking him if he was busy. He quickly replied that he wasn’t so I asked him to come to my room to hang out. It was probably not my best idea, but in my defense, I was under the influence of champagne and wasn’t thinking straight. I was also lonely and wanted something to distract me from the incident with Shaun and Cane’s wife.
While I was waiting for Drew to arrive, I managed to pull on a pair of jeans and a plain gray t-shirt. In my search for something to wear, I found my Hookers and Hand Grenades t-shirt. I was so going to burn that fucker when I got home. I shoved it to the bottom of the suitcase so I wouldn’t have to look at it again for a while.
I checked my messy bun in the mirror and managed to slap on a little powder and blush before there was a knock on the door. Drew didn’t waste any time getting here, that’s for sure.
I walked in my bare feet and opened the door. There he stood with a goofy smile on his face and twelve pack of beer. He was wearing khaki jeans and a golf shirt. Sometimes he dressed so preppy I found it hard to believe he was the manager for a rock tour. His short sandy blonde hair was still wet from a shower and combed over the side. He didn’t have his glasses on and for the first time I noticed how brown his eyes were. He wasn’t a bad looking guy, just not one I’m usually attracted to.