Page 59 of Sexy Dirty Fun

Tellme it’s not true.

He must have seenthe story. I sighed and got ready to send him a response. I paused, unsure of what to tell him. I didn’t want to tell him the truth and have him say ‘I told you so’. I also didn’t want to lie to my brother.

I’min LA to talk to Cane. I’ll fill you in later.

I heldthe phone in my hands and waited for his response. I braced myself for his harsh words or a phone call, telling me he knew Cane was an asshole and I should dump him. That’s why I was surprised by what he said next.

Take care,little sister. Call if you need me.

I almost started crying again.I was thankful for the support of my friend and brother, but I needed Cane. We hadn’t talked much since he left and I missed his touch. I missed sleeping with his arms around me. I wanted him to laugh and roll his eyes when I showed him the magazine story like he did all the others. He would make it all alright.

I tried calling his manager again, but this time it went right to voice mail.Fuck this. I looked up his name online and got the address to his office. I wasn’t going to sit here and wait anymore.

I grabbed my keys and purse and went out to my car. My hands were shaking as I started it. I put the address in the GPS on my phone and began my drive to Cane’s manager’s office.

Traffic wasn’t too bad and it took me about twenty minutes to get there. I almost called again to warn them I was coming, but decided against it. I arrived and parked my car. I still had that stupid magazine me. I glanced at it again before I went inside.

The office was tucked away in the corner of a business complex. When I walked into the small waiting room, there was another woman standing there. She had her back to me and was talking to someone very animatedly on the phone. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was a potential client or maybe she was someone’s crazy girlfriend like I was.

As I approached the receptionist at the front desk, the blonde finished her phone call and turned around. She was looking down to tuck her phone into her purse, but I could tell who it was. I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed the round belly, making her look like she had swallowed a basketball. I guess there was no doubting that there really was a pregnant woman involved in this whole scandal. What the fuck was she doing there?

She looked up and smiled sweetly when she saw me. “Hello Lindsey,” she purred. “Fancy meeting you here.”

I sucked in my breath and tried to stay calm. The last thing we needed was for her to see how freaked out I was about this whole situation. It wouldn’t do anyone any good for me to lose my cool. I would save that for Cane later when I finally got him alone.

“Destiny,” I nodded and finished walking to the receptionist’s desk.

“Are you looking for Cane?” She asked. I turned around and she had her hands on her stomach as if to draw attention to it. My eyes were drawn to it and I had to keep from crumbling to my knees in tears. I had been wishing with all of my might there was no pregnancy, but I couldn’t deny it anymore.

“It’s not really any of your business,” I replied even though it was pretty obvious we were both there for Cane or to talk to his manager.

“Please,” she rolled her eyes. “Let’s not pretend here. I’m pregnant with Cane Stephen’s baby and I know you two are dating.” She raised an eyebrow at me when I visibly winced at her words. “Or youweredating. Cane won’t take my calls while he’s in the studio, so I’m here to see his manager. I would imagine you’re doing the same.”

“Wearedating,” I corrected her. I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of knowing how upset I was by all of this or that it hurt our relationship. I also didn’t want her to know Cane hadn’t even told me about her and the baby. She would love that all too much.

“Whatever,” she said with a wave of her hand. “It’s only a matter of time.” She walked closer to me and I almost gagged on her perfume; she must have bathed in it. “Cane grew up without family. Do you think he’ll let this baby grow up without one?” She looked down and patted her stomach with a smile. “He’ll do the right thing and marry me.”

I had to resist the urge to bitch slap her in the middle of the waiting room. “If it’s even his baby,” I spit out, instantly regretting engaging with her.

She laughed and shook her head. “Oh, it’s his baby. Trust me. He was the only man I was with and we fuckedallweekend long.”

I couldn’t stay in the same room with that bitch anymore. I turned on my heel and left. I would go back to my place and keep calling his manager until I got through to him.

My hands were shaking the whole way home and all I could see was Destiny’s baby bump. She was probably right; there was no way Cane would let this baby grow up without him. That meant a life full of Destiny. I wanted to puke at the thought.

I rested my forehead on my steering wheel and closed my eyes. A single tear escaped and slid down my cheek. Being with Cane was so hard and I wasn’t sure if it was worth it. Maybe this baby wasn’t his, but after this, what next? Would we ever have peace and be able to be a “normal” couple? Love wasn’t supposed to be this hard.

I dragged myself up to my apartment. Rebecca called, but I didn’t answer. I didn’t want to talk to anyone tonight. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to bother talking to Cane. Maybe at this point, a clean break would be best. He could be a father to his baby and I could go back to Madison and take care of Dad. I could still write from there and I had some old connections that would hire me if I reached out to them.

I didn’t have much food in my place, but I did manage to find a bottle of Jack on shelf above the fridge. I got out a glass and poured some. I downed it quickly, savoring the way it burned in my throat and down into my belly. I hadn’t had anything to eat all day, so it wouldn’t be long until I was wasted. That was my goal though. I wanted to numb my feelings.

I took the bottle and glass and sat down on the couch. I picked up the remote and turned on some movie, but I wasn’t watching it. It was only background noise to drown out the sound of my own thoughts.

I loved Cane and he professed to love me so maybe I was overreacting here. I hadn’t given him a chance to explain but I was tired of explanations. First, it was Destiny claiming to be his wife. Then he blamed me when he had his accident and couldn’t walk. My mom died. Now this. It was always drama and it made me tired. I knew Cane didn’t have to marry Destiny and I doubted he would because they shared a life together, but I wasn’t ready to deal with her for the rest of my life. She was the source of too much pain when I saw her ugly face. Maybe it was time to find a nice doctor like my parents always wanted me to.

The bottle of Jack was half gone and I was feeling pretty good when a text popped up on my screen. It was from Cane. I deleted it without reading it and took another shot. It was best to not contact him when I was drinking. Alcohol and men were nothing but trouble for me.

Before I turned off the TV, I did send him one text. I was seeing double, so it took me forever to type it, but I managed to get it out without sobbing.