Page 19 of Sexy Dirty Fun

I put my hand on his chest and rested my chin on it. “Very.” I narrowed my eyes and studied him. “Ok, where is Cane Stephens? What have you done to him?”

“Why?” He chuckled put his hands behind his head.

“This is not the same Cane I’ve gotten to know on this tour,” I said. “I like him, don’t get me wrong, but this one cares and is actually a really nice guy.”

He rolled his eyes. “I’m not a total asshole.”

“I’m learning that,” I said softly.

“So tell me more about this Shaun guy,” he said and I immediately tensed up. I didn’t really want to talk about him while basking in the glow of our sex.

“He was some drummer I dated when I got to LA. We were hot and heavy for a while but then he started to get really possessive and I ended it.” I shrugged. “I haven’t seen him since. It’s been a year or longer. I’m not sure.”

“Did he ever hurt you?” He asked, a muscle in his neck starting to pulse.

I shook my head. “No, I broke up with him when I started to get afraid he might. There were a few times I thought he was following me, but I had no proof.”

He nodded thoughtfully. “Well, you aren’t leaving my side the rest of the tour.”

I rolled off of him and snorted. “You can’t be with me twenty-four/seven.” He put his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into him, resting my head on his chest.

“Pretty darn close,” he argued.

“He won’t be around after today anyway, so you have nothing to worry about,” I protested but secretly I was glad he felt that way. I would feel better knowing he was looking out for me.

My phone rang over on the dresser so I untangled my limbs from Cane’s to get up and answer it. The caller ID showed it was Drew.

“Hey Drew,” I answered.

“Hey Lindsey, how are you?” He asked.

“I’m fine,” I said, and looked over at Cane, lying naked on the hotel bed in all of his ripped, tattooed glory. My nipples hardened with desire and I had to turn around so I wasn’t distracted.

“Good. Can you come down to the lobby office and give a statement to the police? I managed to convince them to do it here instead of at the station.”

My body tensed. “Will he be there?”

“Nope. He’s long gone and in a cell,” he assured me.

My shoulders relaxed. I was feeling ok but I wasn’t ready to face Shaun just yet, if ever. “Yes, I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

I hung up the phone and opened my suitcase. “I have to go down and give a statement to the cops.” I pulled out my favorite worn out jeans and found my Hookers and Hand Grenades t-shirt front the floor. “I’m going to clean up quick and head down there.”

He swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, Drew will be there. Hopefully this won’t take long and then I’ll be back.”

I took a quick shower and got dressed. When I came out, Cane was dozing on the bed. I left quietly so I wouldn’t wake him and went downstairs.

The closer I got to the lobby, the more nervous I got. My hands were like ice and my stomach was doing somersaults. I was beginning to wish I’d let Cane come with me.

I found the office and felt better when I saw Drew there. They asked me to tell them what happened and had a few questions for me, but overall, it was quick and painless. One of the officers gave me a card and said they would probably be in touch later when Shaun was up for trial.

“Do you want me to walk you upstairs?” Drew asked as we left the office. “I have some things to do down here but I could take you back to Cane’s room if you would feel more comfortable than going alone.”

“No,” I shook my head. “I’m ok. Thank you though.”

“Sure. I’m glad you’re ok.” He turned to head in the opposite direction when I put my hand on his arm to stop him.