“Our band, Twisted Chaos, is on one of the side stages.” He looked me up and down and I hoped to God I didn’t look like I just had sex. “What are you doing back here?”
“I’m covering the tour for Rolling Stone,” I said, checking him out. He still looked as good as ever with his muscular tattooed arms. I briefly remembered the way he would toss me around the bedroom with those guns.
“Awesome!” He took a drink of his beer. “Do you want to go get a drink and catch up?”
“Not tonight.” I shook my head. “I’m tired. Soon though.”
His eyebrows furrowed and I had a flashback of the dude with a temper I quit seeing. That probably hadn’t changed.
“Ok, cool. Same number?” He asked.
“Sure, but I’ll see you around. It was good seeing you.” I didn’t want to mention that I hadn’t seen him in the few weeks I was here, so it may be a few more weeks before we ran into each other again. This tour was so huge, there was constantly new people I was meeting.
“Good night Lindsey,” he said and leaned in for a hug. He held me tight against him and I almost gagged from the stench of whiskey on his breath.
“Good night, Shaun.” I hugged him back half-heartedly so he would let me go.
I made a mad dash for the bus, praying I wouldn’t run into anyone else. I finally slipped onto the press bus with a sigh of relief. It was empty except from some guy from a newspaper. He nodded at me and turned back to his computer.
I went into the bathroom and closed the door, my heart racing. I got here without Drew seeing me or any of my colleagues asking me a bunch of questions, but I saw Shaun. What the fuck was he doing here? Obviously he was with his band, but how did I not know about it?
I met Shaun when I first moved to LA. Rebecca and I were excited to check out the music scene and fell for the first musicians that showed us a little bit of attention. He was playing at a club we went to and after a few shots of tequila, I ended up going home with him.
For a while I thought it was cool to be the girlfriend of a guy in a band and looked past his jealous and possessive ways. My stupid ass even thought it was romantic the way he didn’t like guys talking to me.
On top of that, he was a raging alcoholic – an angry alcoholic. We had some wicked fights when he was drinking, but again, I thought that was what it was like to be dating a musician.
Then one night he pushed me into a wall when I friend of mine from work met us out at one of his shows. His jealousy went too far and I came back to reality. I broke up with him that night. A few times I thought I saw him following me and he left me a couple of notes on my car. I almost got a restraining order, but then it stopped. I hadn’t really given him a second thought in a long time.
This tour was big enough that it took me a couple of weeks to even run into Shaun. If his band was playing on the side stages, he was in another group though. Because there were so many people and buses and equipment, Drew had separated the caravan into a few different groups.
I wondered if he still drank as much. Judging by the smell of his breath, I was guessing he did. It had been a few years since he dated, but would he get crazy with jealousy if he found out I slept with Cane? Hopefully he wouldn’t find out. In fact, hopefully no one would.
I would tell Rebecca of course. She was going to be so jealous. As much as I enjoyed it, I didn’t intend for there to be a repeat of last night. My mission had been to sleep with Cane and mission accomplished. Now that I had that out of my system, I could back to focusing on my writing.
I stripped out of my dress and turned on the shower. I was sad to wash the smell of him off of me, but I didn’t want anyone in these close quarters to notice the smell of sex and start asking questions. I wanted my peers to take me seriously and I was afraid they wouldn’t if they knew I slept with one of the stars of the show.
After my shower, I slipped into shorts and a Hookers and Hand Grenades t-shirt. I felt a little like a lovesick teenage wearing it, but I didn’t care. I climbed into my bunk and got out my iPad. I tried to read a little bit, but I kept finding myself reading the same line over and over again. I couldn’t concentrate, thinking about the way Cane’s lips and hands felt on me.
Sure, it was hot to have sex with a rock star, but above that, we had some great chemistry. Maybe I noticed him because he was an international sensation, but I would have slept with him even if he were some bartender in a seedy bar. He was hotter than fuck and I would sleep with him even if he weren’t famous.
I eventually fell asleep, exhausted from the night’s earlier activities. When I woke the next morning, the bus was still moving. I slid out of my bunk and stretched, wincing at my sore muscles. It was a good kind of sore from the kind of exercise I didn’t mind doing.
I found some coffee and sat down on one of the chairs. Another guy from the press was sitting next to me, reading his iPad. I took a sip of coffee and sighed, almost feeling the caffeine flow through my veins.
“Rough night?” He asked with a smile.
“Something like that.” I crossed my legs on the chair. “I don’t know how some of these guys tour constantly. It’s exhausting.”
“I agree.” He shut his iPad. “Well at least we get a break. We arrive in Vegas today and actually get to stay in a hotel with a real bed for a while.” He stood up. “Enjoy your coffee. I’m going to try to get a little more sleep.”
I nodded and took another drink, a smile on my face. With everything going on the day before, I totally forgot we were going to Vegas today. I couldn’t wait for a few days in one place. I was going to take a long bubble bath when we got there and spread out in a big bed that wasn’t moving. Maybe I could even squeeze in some time at the spa. We were there for almost a week. The bands had a couple days off and then four days of shows. I couldn’t wait.
I finished my coffee and went to get my laptop. I set it up on the table in the kitchenette and got another cup. I wrote up my piece for the week and emailed it off to my editor for some feedback. I surfed the Internet for a while when my phone chimed with a new text message. I looked down and cringed when I saw it was from Shaun.
It wasgood seeing you last night. Hope to see you again soon.
Fuck.So much from not hearing from him again. I didn’t even know how to respond to that. I didn’t want to be a bitch and make him angry but I also didn’t want to lead him on. I needed to talk to Rebecca about this. She would know what to do.