Page 9 of Burning It Down


Istarted to lose my mind over the next couple of days.

After having Billy and Charles to myself for a couple of days, I missed them. They were hardly home, trying to find Bruce and their stolen shipment.

I got tired of sitting by myself. When the guys were home, they were tired and grumpy or always on the phone.

I tried to understand and be patient because I knew they were cleaning up the mess I had made when I went with them that night. They kept telling me it was fine and that they didn't care - that it wasn't my fault. But I couldn't help feeling differently. They were both such great guys.

I'd only known them for a couple of weeks, but I fell in love with them. Both of them. I never thought something like that could happen. There was no other way to describe it, though. I loved them both.

The night we spent in bed together was the most amazing of my life. I'd never thought about being with two guys before. In fact, I always thought maybe two guys would be a lot of work for me. But, man, did I have that wrong. They both were so attentive, making sure that I was satisfied. I soon realized it was really all about me. They were both selfless, letting each other do whatever they wanted with me.

It was clear that they loved each other like brothers. Maybe I was the missing piece. I could see the three of us building a life together.

But it looked like Bruce was trying to ruin that. I racked my brain almost every minute of the day, trying to think of how I could fix this.

The guys insisted I not leave the apartment, and the security they had on me was insane. I could barely pee without someone standing over me. The bathroom was the only place I had privacy. Even when they were home, they were hovering over me, ensuring I was okay.

I was worried about them when they were gone. Bruce was ruthless, and the thing that scared me the most is I didn't think he would just kill them. He would probably hurt them, and I couldn't stand it. If something happened to them, I would feel so guilty. It would be devastating.

One night the two of them were gone, and I had the security guard that was a little bit more lenient. He would let me wander the penthouse alone. I managed to sneak my way out of the apartment.

I had to. Maybe if I went to Bruce and talked to him, he would give them back their stuff. We had a long history together. I could only pray that I could use that against him.

I had loved him for a long time and thought we would build a life together until he changed. Maybe if I played that up, he would agree to give them the shipment back.

I couldn't stand being the cause of any problems. I'd even notice Billy and Charles fighting a little bit. It killed me knowing that I was coming between them in any way.

We hadn't had sex since that night, even though I needed to feel close to both of them. I needed to know we all loved each other no matter what.

That's why I had to fix this.

I managed to get into the elevator and down to the first floor of the penthouse. Nobody even gave me a second look. When I left the building, I stood on the sidewalk, unsure of what to do next.

I had gotten a new phone from the guys, but it was mainly just to talk to them. I couldn't remember Bruce's number.

I started walking down the street, deep in thought. How can I fix this? Where can I find him?

I was wearing jeans and a sweater, my hair tied back in a ponytail.

It was a chilly evening, and I decided to get in a taxi and head over to where Bruce and I had shared a home.

When I got to her old apartment building, I went inside the parking ramp. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get up to the apartment, but maybe I could find Bruce's car and wait for him there.

This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever done, but I felt like I had to do something; I felt helpless day in and day out in that penthouse. I just wanted everything back to the way it was before.

As I walked towards Bruce's car, someone reached out and grabbed me, covering my mouth with their hand. “I knew you would come back, you little slut. I knew you couldn’t stay away from me.”

I tried to pull away from him, but he only gripped me tighter. I was terrified and full of regret instantly.

I knew I shouldn't have come. I was such a fool to think that it would be okay.

“Where have you been?”

I tried to turn to look at him. I couldn't answer him with my hand over my mouth. Finally, I made a noise, and he pulled it away.

“You don't need to know where I've been.” I hoped he couldn’t hear the tremble in my voice and that I sounded braver than I felt.