Page 10 of Burning It Down

Bruce only held on to me tighter. Then, finally, he dug his fingernails into me, and I cried out. "Have you been with those men?"

I didn't answer him even though I knew that would only make him mad. He didn't need to know if I'd been with Charles or Billy. It wasn't his business.

“Did you fuck them, Isabella?”

I continued to stay silent. Finally, Bruce backhanded me, and I fell to the ground. "You are a whore. Just for that, I'm going to fucking use that tight little body of yours again, and then I'm going to sell you. I'm gonna find someone who will treat you no better than an animal, and I will sell you to them." He grabbed my hair and pulled me up, dragging me over to his car. At that moment, I had never been more terrified in my life. I prayed to God that Billy and Charles would find me and rescue me by some miracle.



When Charles and I got back to the apartment that night, we discovered Isabella was gone. In a panic, we searched around for her. The security guy that had been in charge of watching her cowered by the door.

"How the fuck did you lose her? You weren't supposed to let her out of your sight. Even if you had to stand over her while she took a piss. You were not supposed to let her go." I grabbed the guy's shirt and pushed him up against the door. "You better hope to God we find her, and if a hair on her head is harmed, or I will fucking kill you."

Charles pulled me away from him, forcing me to release him. "Calm down, Billy. This isn't going to help find her. You know we've been keeping her cooped up here for days. She probably needed some air. It's probably nothing."

"I hope she took her phone because I have a tracker on her, and when I find her, I'm going to bend her over my knee and smack that ass she can't sit for a month." I tried to be calm because Charles was right; getting worked up wouldn't find her. But, it was hard because I knew what monsters were out there, and the thought of any of them harming even a hair on her head filled me with rage.

"She wasn't supposed to leave this place while we're trying to figure things out, but maybe she went shopping." Charles shrugged, and I rolled my eyes at him.

I let out a cry of frustration. "How could Isabella be so stupid? She knows better than anyone how ruthless Bruce is."

"I don't know what she was thinking, but we've left her alone a lot, and maybe she got bored."

“Or maybe she thought she could fix this.” I chimed in, voicing the biggest fear in my head right now.

“You don't think she'd try to talk to him, do you, Billy? “

"Fuck, I hope not, but I know she felt horrible about this. But, on the other hand, she is such a sweet girl; I wouldn't be surprised." I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand.

"You're right. She felt terrible that we had lost our shipment. She felt like this was her fault, so I wouldn't put it past her."

“Hang on a second. I have an idea.”

I ran to my bedroom and got my laptop to fire it up. Then, I brought up the tracking app I had put on her phone to see if it would give me her location.


“Well, Isabella’s location shows in some parking garage about five miles away.” Thank goodness she had taken her phone with her.

Charles hurried next to me to check out the screen over my shoulder. "Do you know exactly where that is?"

"No." I shook my head. "But we're gonna find out real quick." With a few clicks of the mouse, I found out exactly where she was.

“Fuck me. She's up at Bruce’s” I slammed my laptop shut and fought back the urge to punch the wall or throw a chair.

“Why the fuck are we waiting here. We need to go.”

We grabbed our keys and left. We almost ran to my car, and I drove like a madman. We're lucky we didn't get pulled over because I have never driven so fast. I had to get to her, and I had to save her if she was being held captive by Bruce. I had a bad feeling he wouldn't be too nice to her.

She may have thought she could talk some sense into Bruce, but there's no way you could reason with a man like that. I was also worried that he'd probably kill her if he found out she was with us.

We drove in silence, each of us lost in our thoughts. I gripped the steering wheel tight, imagining it was my hands around Bruce’s neck.

Charles turned to me, breaking the silence. "We're fucking marrying her after this. I don't care what you say. She's ours, and we're making her a part of our lives forever." He pounded his hand on the dashboard in front of him.

I nodded in agreement. “I'm not even going to argue with you.”