Page 9 of Lost In Emotion

I lay in the bed and looked at the ceiling. I probably just did the stupidest thing I'd ever done. That girl was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I basically tossed her out of my car tonight.

I drove away quickly after she got out of my car, but I looked in my rearview mirror and noticed her put her head on her steering wheel. She had probably been crying.

I was such a dick to make her cry.

I put on my headphones and blasted Judas Priest, trying to drown out my thoughts. Eventually, the tape ended, and I must have fallen asleep.

Tiffany haunted my dreams that night and every night for the next two weeks. She haunted me during the day as well. I couldn't get her out of my head. I thought I saw her everywhere, and I kept hoping to glimpse her at Jim's when Sarah was there, but I never did.

All I got was dirty looks from Sarah. That was okay. She probably thought I was an asshole, and she wasn't wrong.

Tiffany didn't understand why I broke up with her but going to her house that night made us realize how different we were. Before that, I told myself it didn't bother me, but it did. I couldn't stop thinking about it. She deserved someone so much better that could give her the world. I could barely take her on proper dates when we did go out.

She said she didn't care, and I believed her, but I didn't want her to wake up one morning and regret her life choices. That would kill me.

I went through the motions - work and band rehearsal, but my heart wasn’t even in that. Maybe my parents were right that being a band was stupid and would never amount to anything.

I came upstairs around noon one morning and was in the kitchen when I noticed a note on the refrigerator. “Tiffany called. Please call her back.”

What the fuck?

I pulled it from the fridge and went to find my mom. When she was home, she was parked in front of the TV, drinking a glass of wine already.

"What is this?" I waved the piece of paper in front of her.

“Get out of my way. I’m watching my stories.” She swatted me out of the way.

“Mom! When did you take this message?” I stuck the piece of paper in front of her again.

“I don’t know, maybe a couple of days ago?” She kept watching the tv, not looking at me as she talked. “Is Tiffany that night girl you were seeing? What happened? Why haven’t I seen her around?”

“We broke up.”

That got her attention. She grabbed the tv remote and turned it off, finally turning to talk to me. “Why? She was so cute and seemed like such a nice girl. I liked her.”

“Yeah, she was great.” I looked down at the paper, touching the writing. Despite the shitty way I treated her, Tiffany still called me. Was it to yell at me or try to convince me to get back together?

“If she was so great, why did you break up? That seems dumb. Or did she break up with you?”

“I broke up with her.”

She threw the pillow from the chair she was sitting in, hitting me in the head. "You're a dumbass like your dad," she muttered. "You can't let a girl like that getaway. What was wrong with her?"

"We went to her house the other night, and she comes from money. Her mom is a lawyer, and her dad is a doctor. She goes to private school and is headed off to college in the fall. So I figured she could do better than me."

"Well, she probably can do better than you, but for some reason, she picked you. Did she act like she was better than you at all?"

“Never,” I shook my head. “She didn’t care about any of it.”

“Justin!” She put her face in her hands. “Go get that girl. Now. I mean it.”

“Whatever, Mom.” I stood up, crumpling up the piece of paper. “I’m going to shower.”

She turned her tv back on, and I could hear her muttering under her breath as I walked by about how dumb I was.

I couldn't get her words out of my head while I was in the shower. My mom said many things that didn't make sense, but today was different.

She was right. I had to get my girl back.