Page 6 of Lost In Emotion

The car parked, and Justin got out. As he approached the door, I noticed his signature jean jacket. His hair looked damp like he'd just showered, and he had on a black t-shirt.

I leaned against the counter, trying to act casual and not like I'd just watched him walk towards the door. It opened with a jingle, and I turned, pretending to be surprised.

"Hey, Justin!"

He came over to the counter where I was working. "Hey, pretty lady."

Okay, that was adorable and made my heart melt.

"Are you looking for a movie?" I tried to sound normal like I did with any customer. My coworker Andy was watching us.

"I'm looking for you, actually. I saw Sarah at Jim's and asked where you were. She said you were working, so here I am." He gave me that crooked smile I loved so much, and I couldn't help but grin back. "Are you done here soon?"

“Not until midnight.”

“Bummer.” He flashed Andy a smile. “Hey, could I steal Tiffany from here early? You guys don’t seem very busy.”

I couldn't believe Justin was being so bold as to ask if I could get off work early. Who was this guy?

“If she wants.” He shrugged and went back to checking returned movies. “We aren’t that busy anyway. I can close up.”

“Are you sure?” I would owe him big time.

“Yeah, it’s fine.”

"Thank you!" I turned to Justin. "Let me get my purse, and I'll meet you outside?"

“Sure thing, babe.” He winked at me and walked out the door while I watched him. Damn, he was hot.

I flew out from behind the counter and into the break room. I punched out and grabbed my purse. “Thanks again, Andy!” I called out as I flew out the door by Justin.

When I got outside, Justin grabbed my arm and pulled me to the building, which was darker. He put his hands on my face and gently kissed me. "That's better. I've been thinking about kissing you since that night."

"Really?" I couldn't believe this experienced hot man thought about me in any capacity, but less about kissing me.

"Really." He took my hand. "Do you want to go home and change? Or leave your car here, and we get something to eat?"

I paused. "I don't really want to go home. For once, my parents are home, and I don't need a lot of questions. I also don't think you want to meet them yet." I shivered at the thought of him having to meet my parents already.

"That's fine. Let's get in my car, and we can go to the diner around the corner. Does that sound okay?"

"That sounds perfect." He led me to his car and opened the passenger door for me. I looked up, and he smiled down at me as he closed it. Then, he came around to the driver's side and hopped in. He leaned over and kissed my lips again before turning the key.

As soon as he turned the car on, music blared. He never turned it down, so we drove the two minutes to the diner in silence. He had the windows rolled down since it was a beautiful summer night. I leaned my head back against the seat. This night couldn't be any more perfect, riding in the car with the man I had a massive crush on.



My impromptu date with Tiffany at the diner was perfect.

Life got hectic after the night on the swing, and I never had a chance to call her. I didn't get home until late, and I had no idea how late her parents liked getting phone calls. I didn't want to start off on the wrong foot with them.

My original plan for the evening was to go find the guys and hang out and have a few beers. Then I saw Sarah outside with Jim and headed over to talk to them. I didn't have to ask too many questions before Sarah offered up that Tiffany was at work at Blockbuster that night. So I thanked her and headed that way.

It was bold of me to just show up to her work and ask her to leave early, but that's the kind of guy I was. I didn't believe in beating around the bush. The worst that could have happened was that she would say no, although I didn't think that would be the case.

When we got to the diner, we got a booth in the far back corner. There weren't many people there, so we had our choice. I ordered a soda and a burger. Sarah ordered a shake, a cheeseburger with fries, and a piece of pie. She wasn't afraid to eat in front of me, and I loved that.