Page 4 of Play It Again

“Sorry,” she mumbled and scurried back over to her friend before I could say something else. I smiled and poured myself some beer. She was over with the black-haired girl she arrived with, whispering and glancing over at me. She must have been telling her what had happened.

An hour later, the sun was down and the party was in full swing. Mike turned on some lights around the field and turned up the music. Luke Bryan’s song “That’s My Kind of Night” came on over the loud speaker and the girls all screamed and started dancing.

Before I knew it, Kara was dancing near me. She must have forgotten our earlier run in because she was singing the song at the top of her lungs and looking at me with a smile. My couldn’t look away, loving the way she moved her body; man she looked fucking sexy swinging those hips in time to the music. The song ended and the girls all moaned in disappointment.

“Play it again!” she cupped her hands around her mouth and called out to him.

Mike laughed and shook his head. “Ok, but only for you this one time, City Girl.”

She squealed and clapped her hands together, jumping up and down. Mike winked at her and soon the song was playing again. She began dancing by me again and before I knew it, she had grabbed my hand and pulled me out to dance with her.

I panicked immediately; I didn’t dance. At all. I didn’t even like to slow dance much. I only did it sometimes to cop a feel on a girl.

I couldn’t refuse this girl singing and holding me close. She let me go and starting grinding on me a little bit, pressing her body into me. I hoped she didn’t get close enough to feel the erection she had given me.

The song ended and she stopped dancing. Her cheeks got red when she realized what she had just done and she stood motionless in front of me.

“Thanks for the dance,” I smiled at her, hoping she wouldn’t be scared off like she was when she spilled her beer on me.

“You’re welcome. Sorry to grab you like that. I love that song and I have to dance when I hear it,” she said shyly.

“I see that,” I grinned. I noticed her cup was empty. “How about I get you a beer?”

She laughed and nodded. “This time I’ll try not to spill it on you.”

We walked over to the keg and had to wait in line to get our beer. Good, now I had a chance to talk to her some more.

“My name is John Thomas but everyone calls me JT,” I introduced myself.

“I’m Kara.”

I held my hand out and she took it. Her small hand felt so soft in mine. “Nice to meet you, Kara.”

“You too, JT,” she replied and I loved the way my name sounded on her lips. I wanted to hear her say it over and over again.

“Are you from around here?” I asked her, not wanting her to know I got the scoop on her earlier from Chase.

She shook her head. “No, I’m from Madison. My grandparents live here. They have since I was young. I used to come up here all the time, but then got busy with school and activities and was way too cool to hang out with my grandparents.” She rolled her eyes with a smile. “They own that small diner named Moe’s. I recently graduated from college and I don’t have a job yet so I was nominated to come help out because Grandpa had knee replacement surgery.” She leaned down and started to fill her cup before looking up at me with a smile, her eyes as blue as the daytime sky. “What about you? I’m pretty sure you’re not from around here either. I would have remembered you from all the time I spent here.”

A college girl, huh? There’s no way she would be interested in me. I looked down at my hands, still dirty from work today. In fact, they were never really clean despite the fact I washed them at least twenty times a day. This city girl probably thought being with me was slumming. I ran into girls like that before. I was fun for a weekend or a couple of months, but never anything more serious. That was always more than ok with me.

She motioned for me to bring my cup closer and started to fill it. “My dad and I moved here a few months ago. He bought the auto shop near the beauty shop. I work there and help him run it.”

“So you’re good with your hands, huh?” She teased me.

“Something like that,” I flirted back.

We stood there, an awkward silence between us. I was about to ask her more about herself when a short brunette came over breathless. “Kara! I’ve been looking all over for you. I need to talk to you.” She grabbed her hand and pulled her away from me. She turned her head and gave me a sheepish smile and a wave but I was disappointed my time with her was cut short.

Chase came over, his hand curled into a fist, ready for a fist bump. I reached out and gave him one, not sure why. A huge grin was plastered across his face. “Dude, I saw you dancing with Kara. Nice work!”

I shrugged, but I couldn’t hide the smile on my face. “It was nothing.”

“Nothing? She was totally grinding on you!”

“She’s a little drunk,” I dismissed him, not wanting to get my hopes up.

He shook his head. “You gotta get on that, man. She’s fucking hot and only here for the summer. That’s perfect, especially for you.”