Page 8 of Play It Again

I watched Derek carefully as he danced with Kara. He got behind her and was grinding against her much like her and I did the other night. When they finally sat down exhausted, he sat next to her again, this time with his arm around her shoulder, clearly staking his claim on her.

I didn’t know too much about Matt’s brother Derek. I knew he was older and went to school in Milwaukee. I wasn’t even sure what he was studying. Maybe Kara preferred a college guy to someone like me who got his hands dirty at work every day.

We got to the sandbar and I helped Matt anchor the boat. When we were done, we jumped in the water with a holler. The cool water felt refreshing after working in the hot all day. I tried to ignore Kara and Derek, wanting to make the most of the beautiful night.

I was soaking in the water, my eyes closed when I could hear someone swim up to me.

“Hey you.”

I opened my eyes and Kara was floating nearby me. Her hair was slicked back and wet from going under the water. Her swimsuit clung to her and I could see the outline of her taut nipples through the fabric. I was glad the bottom half of me was under water so she couldn’t see the tent that was forming in the front of my shorts.

“Hey,” I replied, not sure what to say to her.

“Having a good time?” She asked and got a little bit closer. I watched the water bead on her tanned skin. I so wanted to pull her against me and run my tongue along them.

“Sure,” I shrugged and took a long drink of beer. “You seem to be having fun.” I glanced over at Derek who was talking to Chase and Matt animatedly about something.

She turned around to see where I was looking, whipping back around at me. “I’m not with Derek. I actually think he’s a jackass.”

“Could have fooled me,” I said, instantly feeling sorry for sounding like such an asshole.

She didn’t say anything but I could see the hurt in her eyes. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt her. “I’m sorry,” I swam closer to her before she went away. “I can’t help but notice the way he’s looking at you.”

She bit her lip. “It’s ok. To be honest, I’ve been trying to get away from him this whole time so I could come over by you.”

“Really? I thought maybe you preferred college guys.” I admitted.

“No,” she shook her head. “It doesn’t matter to me.”

“Good,” I smiled at her. “I was really bummed because I thought you liked me.”

“I do like you,” she said quietly.

“And I like you.” All I had to do was lean over a little bit and I could easily kiss her. I didn’t want to cause issues with Derek though. I would use this chance to ask her out instead. I took a deep breath to gather my nerves. “Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”

“What?” She asked, her eyes wide. God, she had the biggest brown eyes I’d ever seen. I had a feeling they brought more than one man to his knees.

Before I could ask her out, Derek came up behind her and pulled her under water. Fucker. She came up and wiped her eyes, swimming away before he could grab her again.

“Asshole!” She exclaimed and swam over to Brittany.

Derek laughed and I wanted to punch him in the face. I bet he was one of those stupid jock frat boys in college too that thought every woman wanted to sleep with him. I was relieved to find out Kara was definitely not one of them.

The two girls got back on the boat and chatted while the rest of us tossed a football around in the water. It was dusk when we packed it up and headed back to shore. I still didn’t get to sit by Kara, but this time she sat on an edge with Brittany on the other side of her.

When we got back, we all helped Matt put the boat back on the trailer. We drove back to Matt and Derek’s but this time Kara ended up in Matt’s truck with Brittany and I had the rest of the crew in mine. Maybe she didn’t like me as much as I thought.

Back at Matt’s, Chase was going to stick around for a few more beers. The girls decided to head home and I wasn’t in the mood to hang out anymore either, so I left. I managed to follow Kara down the road and suddenly her hand was out the window, waving me next to her. Was everything ok?

As I pulled up next to her, she slowed down and I rolled down the passenger window of my truck. “Do you want to come over?”

“Sure,” I said, trying to not to let on how excited I was she invited me over.

“Great,” she beamed at me. “My grandparents live on the lake and tonight is a perfect night to sit out by the water. Follow me.”

I nodded and let her take off before following her. My heart was pounding in my chest, thinking about being alone with her. Should I kiss her? Or was it too soon?

We pulled into the driveway of her grandparents’ cute little cottage on the lake. There was a single light on in what I assumed was the living room and then the porch light. She parked next to an old Buick and I stopped behind her. She got out and smiled, waiting for me to walk to her.