Page 11 of Surprise Valentine

“I’m cutting in. Vivian is my date tonight and I’d like to dance with her,” Chip said through gritted teeth. I noticed his arms at his sides, his hands clenched into fists.

“Whatever, dude. This is my girlfriend.” Gabe laughed and started dancing away from Chip.

I pulled myself free. “I’m not your girlfriend! You lost that right the minute you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants.”

Chip came to me immediately and wrapped an arm around my waist. “I think you should leave. My date doesn’t seem to want you here and you don’t want to ruin the night for the bride and groom, do you?”

Gabe’s face was turning red and he wanted to say something but Parker and Dani were now standing by us as well.

“Is there a problem?” Parker asked, towering over Gabe. “I don’t think Vivian wants you here so it would be best if you left before we have to get security.”

Gabe looked at me like he was expecting me to say something but there was no way in hell I was coming to his defense. I couldn’t believe he had the nerve to show up tonight. I hadn’t talked to him in weeks and I was pissed he would come to Dani’s wedding.

“Whatever. Once a bitch, always a bitch,” he spat out toward Dani and me. Parker went flying at Gabe, giving him a hard right hook.

Chip pulled him off of him and grabbed Gabe by the arm. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to take out the trash.”

Dani rushed to make sure Parker was okay. My heart was racing as I watched Chip remove Gabe from the wedding. I turned to Parker and Dani. “I’m really sorry.” My eyes started to fill with tears. I felt terrible about my ex-boyfriend showing up and causing a scene.

Dani rushed to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault at all. He’s a dick. It’s all good now. Let’s go do a shot and have some fun. It’s time to forget about him and celebrate me becoming Mrs. Parker Schmidt!”

I swiped the tears away from my eyes and the three of us went to the bar. Parker ordered us four shots and when Chip came back in, we cheered. He grinned and he never looked so sexy. Tonight he was my knight in shining armor.

“We’re doing shots!” Parker waved him over to us. He slid up behind me and the four of us did the shot. We slammed our glasses down on the bar and Parker grabbed his wife’s hand to head out to the dance floor. I started to follow them when Chip stopped me.

“Hey, are you okay?” He reached up and touched my face.

I moved closer and nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

He leaned in and kissed my forehead. “He won’t be bothering you for a long time, if ever again.”

I looked up at him. He was so tall. Even though I was five foot eight, he towered over me at six foot five. “What did you do?”

He shrugged. “I took care of it and before you argue you can take care of yourself, just say thank you.” He grinned.

“Thank you.” I wasn’t going to argue tonight. Yes, I was more than capable of handing Gabe and anything or anyone else that came my way, but it was nice to have someone else do it for once.

“Now let’s go dance.”

We spent the rest of the night on the dance floor. We fast danced and slow danced. Chip didn’t leave my side except to go to the restroom. He always made sure he was touching me in some way, even if it was only standing close to me.

The crowd has mostly cleared out and a few of us couples were still slow dancing on the dance floor. Parker and Dani tapped us on the shoulder.

“We’re going up to our room. Can I get my stuff from your room?” Dani asked.

I nodded, not wanting to leave Chip. “Sure. Let’s go.” I turned to Chip. “I’ll be right back.”

He let me go reluctantly and Dani and I went outside to the elevators. “You’re going to get so laid tonight!” Dani sang and I laughed. “Seriously, he’s a great guy.”

“I know,” I answered quietly.

We got to my room and I gave Dani her stuff. I closed my door to freshen up when there was a knock on the door. “What did you forget?” I laughed and opened the door.

But Dani wasn’t standing there.

It was Chip. The tie on his tux was undone and hanging around his neck and the top button of his dress shirt was open. He had one arm outstretched, leaning against the door frame.
