Wow. Inappropriate much?
“Well I wouldn’t say that,” I mumbled. He laughed. Good God. It was like the Hulk was laughing, only difference was Tommy wasn’t green.
“You’re absolutely huge,” I blurted. He roared with laughter again. “I reckon you must be one of the reasons the Buffs are having an impressive run?”Smooth Elle, real smooth.
“Everything about me is impressive in size little lady,” he winked.Ugh. Not necessary.
Robbie jumped in. “How are you, your blonde friend Todd said you had food poisoning?”
I nodded. “Yeah all better thanks and it’s Theo, not Todd.”
Tommy was eyeing me in a very predatory way.
Was it a male thing? Did they both know exactly what the other one was called and just conveniently forgot…to what? Win points? But how would that work if the other wasn’t there to witness it?
Men were weird.
“So, you had the shits. What did you eat?”Wow.
“I…” I stumbled. “I don’t even know how to respond to that.” Robbie was holding in laughter and Tommy looked like he wasn’t sure why that just wasn’t polite conversation.
“Elle?” I turned and smiled hugely at Corey, she was all in white and glowing again like an angel.
“Well hello sweet thang,” said Tommy.Thang? Was this guy real?
Corey took in both of the guys and didn’t greet them.
“Hi Corey,” I reached over to hug her – I was so pleased to see her, I could have hung on all day.
“Corey?” Hulk looked at Robbie. “This the one that cock blocked you?” He grunted.
Ok I’m done with the walking tank.
“Well we have to go,” I declared as I grabbed Corey’s hand and pulled her away from them. I walked quickly away cringing when Tommy shouted something inane after us.
Corey was laughing by the time I slowed down. “Oh Elle, you sure know how to find them,” she giggled.
I shook my head at her ruefully. “What worries me the most is that he thinks it’s perfectly ok to talk to people that way?”
Corey flung her arm over my shoulder. “So, are you feeling better?” I didn’t like to lie to Corey, but I couldn’t risk her telling Connor.
“Much better. Thank you,” she nodded.
“Corey?” I took a deep breath. “What do you think of the fact that the guys have a room for me in the house?” I quickly ran through their plan.
She smiled at me when I finished. “I think it’s adorable.” My raised eyebrows must have shown my surprise. She laughed. “I have three older brothers Elle, so do you, it’s just your older brothers aren’t biological,” she shrugged. “That doesn’t mean they are any less overbearing,” she winked.
“I didn’t know you had older brothers,” I commented.
“Yep. Three cavemen just like yours,” she ran her hand over her ponytail. “They’re all married which means I now have three overbearing sisters too!” Her laughter was light.
“Big family,” I murmured feeling a tiny bit jealous.
“Then I have my cousins, I think my cousins may be worse than my brothers,” she acknowledged. “One of my cousins goes here too. She was going to get notched onto your friend Robbie’s bed post and I intervened. Hence the terminology from his giant friend.” Corey turned to me fully. “But you have to look out for family don’t you?” It was very close to what the guys had been saying to me. Corey hooked her arm through mine. “They want to protect you. I don’t think you need it to be honest, but they do. So, for them, I think you should consider it.” We stopped outside my building.
“Would it freak me out that Connor and his ex-girlfriend were living together?” she added. I went to protest but she shook her head. “Probably, had I not met you. But Ihavemet you and I know there is absolutely no desire in you to reconnect that way with him.” Her smile dimmed a little.